Chapter 16: Here We Go Again

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K. Madison POV


We went to the upstairs of the house and found the beds that had our names. There was seven girls, so when I went into my room there three beds. I was bunking with Mahogany and Ali, my BFF's. I jumped onto the one next to the window and just layed there with my head down.

"You okay?" Mahogany asked me as she put her stuff on the bed that was beside the door. Ali was on the bed that you saw as soon as opened the door that was next to the wall.

I mumbled something in response then lifted my head up.

"How long are we here?" I asked.

"Till Heather says we are all friendly," Ali says and I groan.

"Well, I can't exactly hide from him now, huh?" I said and ran into the living room downstairs.

The guys weren't here yet, so I plugged my dumb mp3 player (it wasn't even an IPOD) into the stereo and turned on Wild Life by Jack & Jack. I saw Sammi come out of the room she shared with Lila and them both come out dancing.

I went back into my room and started to unpack while dancing. The song that came on afterwards was All About That Bass by Meagon Trainer (Did I spell her name wrong? It's spelled a weird way. IDK.)

We were just dancing to whatever came up on my shuffle and soon everything was unpacked and us girls all went into the living room and just danced to Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj. We were mimicking guns when all the boys came in and put their hands up in surrender. We were pointing our imaginary guns at them. I ran and turned off the music and got my phone.

"You guys are lucky bc  I would've popped a cap in all ya'll asses," Lila said and Sam hugged and kissed her, "Especially your big ass."

I grimaced and went into my room to put away my old mp3 player and looked out the window at the falling snow. There's no escape.

We can't even leave the house this time.

Why tease us with windows?

I walked out the room and decided to sit next to Carter. At least, we're still good friends.


Jack Johnson POV


We were all making fun of the new girl, MaKenna, who was really pretty. She was tall with long brown hair and hazel eyes with a bright smile. She's gorgeous.

Wait, I shouldn't be thinking that. I'm in love with Madi.

Just then Madi came downstairs and sat on the arm of the chair that Carter was sitting on. How come she didn't stand beside me?

"So, MaKenna," Ricky said, "You want a nickname? Madi has excellent ones."

"She calls me Lalipop," Sammi said.

"Sure," MaKenna said, "Work your magic."

"I think I'll call you Tani," Madi said, "Tall, Awesome, Nice, Individuality."

"Madison has spoken. Your new name is Tani. Let it be known," Ali said.

"You've never given me a nickname," I said without thinking.

Madi looked at me, "You do have a nickname."

"What then?"

"Blondie," Madi shrugged.

"I want a nick name!" Maya yelled, breaking the awkward silence that could have happened, and Madi glared at her.

"Shut up, idiot," Madi said.

"I don't like that name."


Tani Bailey


I was sitting in the living room, when Johnson came up to me. He was cute and funny with his blond hair and bright eyes.

"Hey, Tani," Johnson said.

"Sup, Blondie," I said and he smiled.

"Madi told you to call me that, huh?" he said and I nodded.

"It suits you," I said and he smiled.

"So, what's it like?"

"What?" I asked.

"Being in ALOL and hanging with all those weird girls, or should I say, chicas," Johnson said.

"You should say chicas, first of all. Second, it is every dream come true. Why would Dakota every leave such a great thing?" I said and he smiled, "So, Magcon?"

"Awesome," he said, "So, are you single?"

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