PaRt TwElvE

666 37 1

" I didn't expect that" Jimin said as he take the glass of wine and sipped it.

" So did I?" then Jungkook continue
" I want to clear things out with you err...." " I have someone else in mind and I can't do what my mom tell me to do so you should tell your parents cause I'm sure you also didn't want something like this either" he said staring from Jimin's head to toes.

Jimin stiffened uncomfortable in his sit because of Jungkook's stare
"Someone he likes so it's not just me"
" I know I try to deny but my parents is not easy like yours" "They're really strict you don't understand" Jimin said.

" Maybe... I never be a good son to ever listen to them and think they're strict like you" he chuckled and sipped his wine.

" What do you mean?! you mean I'm like a baby?! Everyone said that, I fucking hate everyone!!" he said loudly then whispered the last sentence " Excuse me, I'm going to use the rest room now " then he stomped rushing to the rest room.

"What the..." Jungkook Frozen in his seat and his eyes widened " he really got a worst temper huh?"


In the rest room (warning)

" Why does everyone think that I'm a baby, first my parents then tae and now him?" Jimin standing in front of the sink and looking in the mirror speaking alone he wash his hands and then leave the rest room but someone walk behind him and grabbed his shoulder he's shocked and about to hit that person but that person lifted both his hands up to protect himself.

" Wait!! I'm not a bad guy, Are you Park Jimin? I'm your fan. I want to take picture with you, can I?" that's guy said he looks like fourty or something.

" Err... Sure..." he said unsure cause didn't trust that guy but try to be polite to his fandoms.

" Please take your glasses off " that guy said and give him a creepy smile

" 1...2...3" Jimin smile at the camera "just get it over with" but that guy grip on to Jimin's waist " you're so beautiful in real outside the TV " he try to sniff Jimin's neck Jimin try to get a way but his grip tighten on Jimin's waist and forearm.

" How dare you touch me?!!" Jimin said then try to free himself from that guy but failed " I will sue you!!" he yell

" Sue!! Who?! Me?!" He said smirking " Do you know who am I ?" " a slutty celebrity like you want to sue me?!" He said laughing mocking at Jimin.

Jimin's eyes fill with tear but he didn't cry he tried to swallow it back and kick that guy's legs he succeed to free himself but that's guy got up and snatched his hair one arm tighten around his waist " Help!! Help!!" that guy put his Palm on Jimin's lip Jimin bit his Palm then said " Fuck Off!!" that guy hit his stomach two times.
Jimin's eyes flutter and his body gone weak in that guy arms.

He tried to bring Jimin to the rest room that has forbidden plate on it. lift Jimin up and put him on the sink against the mirror and place himself between Jimin's legs he try to unbutton Jimin's shirt but Jimin tried to fight the guy's hand with his weak one " don''t touch... me you fucker ass... hole.." he tried to speak and open his weak eyes. *Thud*
the slap land on Jimin's face heavily make the blood come from his lip and his head tilted to the other side but that guy stop his head and put him in the same position continue to unbutton Jimin's shirt and nuzzled his neck then look down and try to unhooked Jimin's jeans.


mean while

" Is he try to get me back for making him waiting for me??" Jungkook said wondering why Jimin in rest room so long " It's past thirty minutes or he's go home already" then he stare at Jimin's bag " but his bag is here" he try to think " what's happening to him it can't be right" then he got up from his seat and rushing to the rest room.

In the rest room he didn't see anyone so he thinks that maybe Jimin really try to get him back not after he walk on something in front of the forbidden rest room " sun glasses"
" Jimin!!" he rush in it and saw that guy nuzzling Jimin's neck he grabbed that guy shoulder and punched that guy in the face with his strong arm that guy fall to the ground " who are you?, he's my property I bought him with my own money" he tried to get up but Jungkook hover over him and punched that guy's face none stop.
Jimin wake up from the noise but can't say anything his eyes flutter about to close again.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook his fiance!! Don't ever touch him again "

" Jeon??" that guy's eyes wide like he saw a ghost.

" yes, you dickhead!!!" with that Jungkook got up step on that guy's cock that guy scream out of pain and knockout.

then Jungkook walk to the sink to Jimin " Jimin-ssi!! Jimin!!" he cupped Jimin's face and shake him " you scare me" his face sweating because of the anxious.

" don't touch me please" Jimin cried and try to claw Jungkook's hand

" Jimin, Jimin calm down it's me Jungkook" Jungkook try to tell him

"Jungkook-ssi..." Jimin cried louder and hugged Jungkook " he touched me, I'm disgusting" he try to speak with his broken lip

" No, don't cry please. that shit didn't touch you further I came in the right time. Please don't cry" he hugged him back try to calm him down. Jungkook feel like no arms tighten around him anymore because of Jimin collapse he looks at his face to see his eyes closed and tear strained all over his face.
he looked at Jimin's neck and saw purple hickey on it he cursed under his breath and buttoned Jimin's shirt and pants " I'm sorry" he said lifted Jimin up bridal style leaving the rest room to his car then told his driver to bring to the hospital " to August D hospital " his driver nodded " yes, sir" then try to the hospital.

## Jikook, Next part will be Taejin don't worry##


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