PaRt ThIrty threE

520 33 6

Seokjin was furiously leaving the while Taehyung step quickly behind his back.

" Seokjin...! Jin! wait..." He caught Jin's right arm, gasping loudly in short breath.

Jin stopped, turning around to confront Taehyung's face, he yell at him " What?!!"

" You're dancing with another guy infront of your fiance and Now you're yelli-"

" So what?!!" Jin blurt out, and pull his hand back agressively " we are nothing anyway, everything, all of this is fake. you and me, we're nothing from the beginning " he said coldly.

" So you want to get back with him?!" Taehyung smirk, pulling Jin in his arm, pressing his small body against his chest, his eyes staring sharp at Seokjin's, Jin tried to wiggle himself free from his arms but Taehyung grip only get tighter in response.

" Yeah, why not?! I'm not with anyone right now and he still like me. before, it's because his mom that's why we broke up" he said causally while his lip quivering but he tried to conceal his anger with his cold emptiness expression.

" Tsk...So you're that kind of person right Kim Seokjin" he said gritting his teeth and tighten his grip " you are that easy? *Whack* " Jin slap him agrily.

" You mean I'm a whore?! Yes, I am so what?!! At least I'm not letting anyone sit on my laps when I've already got a fiance " he yell at his face.

" Who told you that?!" Taehyung yell back.

" Leave me alone!!"

" Listen it's not- " he's about to say something but the phone ring cut him " it's not what you think- one second" he look at Jin then pickup his phone. Jin took a chance and ran away from Taehyung when he didn't notice.

Seokjin ran to the garden and standing close to the pool sobbing, biting his lip to control his tear but it's not working.

When someone Walk behind him and push him in the pool he's struggling to come up the surface and gasping for air, splashing water, he tried to kick to swim to the surface struggling to breathe and asking for help but nobody there. He only saw the red masquerade guy standing there smirking and enjoying the scene of him struggling for his life. The darkness slowly gripping, dragging him down to the bottom of the pool
" I feel so cold... I'm help me..." *Jin deliriously mind*.



" Jungkook-ssi! Jungkook-ssi! My hand, stop it" Jimin tried to walk as fast to caught up with Jungkook's step, wiggling to free his wrist from Jungkook's grip.
" What's wrong with you?!!" He said loudly his eyes still brimming the tear from earlier.

" Baby crying!!" Jungkook spit out loud enough to make the younger flinch.

"....." Jimin look down his feet and sobbing quietly but still create the sniffing sound.

" That's annoying!!!" Jungkook yell again. " Stop wasting tear Because of that guy that didn't care about you."

" I'm not crying!! *Sniffing sound*" he look up, his eyes red and nose turn red.

" Stop crying, you look so ugly when you cry" Jungkook said chuckling in his mind.

" Yeah, I'm not pretty like your crush right? That Seokjin guy" he said with his pouty lip.

" Exactly... nobody can beat him" he said smirking, he's happy now that he can tease Jimin.

" Well... He's already got fiance sadly. He doesn't like you, honestly who even like someone like you when he got someone like tae-"

he didn't finish his word when Jungkook forcefully grab both his forearms and stare at him sharply.

" Stop that nonsense of you or I'll throw you in the water right now!!" Jungkook said angrily.

" Is that so- Wait... Someone is drowning!!!" Jimin scream " HELP!! Jungkook someone is drowning in the pool"

" What trick are you playing right now Park Jimin?" Jungkook said turning his back to look at the pool.
" SHIT!" He blurted out when he saw the figure in the water and quickly jump in the pool.

He dived to the bottom of the pool, his hand wrap around the small waist swimming up to the surface and brought the figure out of the water.

" Seokjin?!" Jimin blurt out.

" Jin!! Jin!!" Jungkook called his name and gently touched his cheeks.

" Do something!!" Jimin yell out nervously.

Jungkook put his head on Jin's chest to listen his heart.

" What the fuck is happening here?!" Both Jimin and Jungkook turn his head to look at the direction where the voice is coming from. Taehyung furiously Walk to Jungkook and push him away.

" He's drowning let me hel-" Jungkook said but Taehyung ignore him.

" Seokjin!!! " Taehyung tilting Jin's head backwards and lifting his chin up, pinching his nose closed. He take a breath, covered Jin's mouth with his to create an airtight seal then gives him one second breaths two times then he give another two breaths, followed with the thirty chest compressions. But he still not waking up. "Seokjin, Don't scared me like this" he repeat the chest compressions and seal his lips to Jin's again.

* Cough cough*
Jin woke up shocking and gasping for air, he's crying and throw his quivering self into Taehyung's arm while Taehyung hug him tightly against his chest, patting his back slowly and gently kissing his head.

" Don't be scared... I'm here..." He said softly to comfort the trembling person in his arms and keep giving him the gently kiss on his head, they stay embracing like that for five minutes.

" Let's go to our home hmm?" Taehyung said softly to Jin who hiding his face from anything around him with Taehyung chest, giving a slowly nod as a yes response.

" I'm taking my fiance home, thank you Chim and you too Mr Jeon" he said while carried Jin's body effortlessly, then leave both of them to his car.

Jungkook stand still, his eyes keep staring blankly at both of the person that just walk out, Jimin just standing with him with the confused expression with his feeling.

" Is it really too late for me Jin?" Jungkook.

" You are the right person for me, Taehyung but I'm not the one for you" Jimin.

# hope you enjoy it#
# I'll try to update but it'll be late #
# thank you💜#

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