TwEnTy OnE

639 41 5

" why am I in his bedroom?!" Jin woke up in Taehyung bed with tripping over his forehead, his heart pounding.

" So it's just a dream" " I'm not in the sofa" he smiled feeling relieved " thank God..." but his stop smiling when he saw Taehyung walk out from the bathroom.

probably just finished his showering after his work out routine.
He wear rope. His hair wet while he dry it with a small towel and his bath rope open wide showing his muscling chest .

Jin staring at the man's chest. And he heard the man proud chuckling.

" What's funny?!" Jin said moving his eyes to Taehyung face that has the curly wet hair hid his eyes.

" Well... we'll be the fiance soon so you can stared wherever you want. Don't be shy" he smiled at Jin who now his face, ears turn red like a tomato.

" For your information I'm not agree with whatever you said before and I'm going to my apartment right now!!" He said and get up from the bed. About to walk to bathroom but Taehyung grab his wrist and said something impossible.

" Take a shower, Yeonjun already brought all of your clothes here if you need something just tell him, I'll have him driving you to work" Jin is dumbfounded, he can't say anything only stared at Taehyung with a frustrating expression.
" KIM TAEHYUNG!! Who do you think you a-" *Achoo* his words have been cut because of the sound of Taehyung's sneeze making him startled.
Last night Taehyung cover Jin with blanket and ran to his bedroom but after taking of himself. He came back to check on Jin who shivers with the blanket fall to the floor he took him in his arms and walk back to his bedroom.

" I think last night I overdo it with you that's why right now I catch a cold from you" he said causally, sniffing and stared at Jin widened eyes with a smirk on the corner of his lip.

" I guess I need to go and change now" he said and kiss Jin forehead who stand still, didn't feel anything cause his soul left his body.

Jin ran to the bathroom and burst out screaming touching the hickey on the crook of his neck " it's not going to happen again" he said bitting his lip acting like he regret even though in his heart he doesn't regret at all but his brian keep telling him he did something wrong.


Jimin's pov

I woke up with the sunshine in my face. Fuck!! I hate sun, usually I close the curtain. why I didn't close it last night?. I don't want to get up but my manager will call me.
" Oh my god!! Did I get hit by bus last night?!" I said loudly...well...more like yell at someone with my eyes can't even open but I heard someone voice in my room. it's really making scared right now. Is it one of the stalker?

" Park Jimin!!" His voice seem like a frustrated person " open your eyes and stop over thinking" I open my eyes and saw his face really close to me " Jungkook? Why-" I want to ask him but he cut me " Why am I in your room?" He laughed with sarcastic.

" Yeah that's what I'm asking" I said confusing and look at his face.

" Please, look around you and tell me where's this?" He said loudly and look at me. He looks so mean right now, what a scary person he is, but he looks so hot at the same time with a muscly body, he wearing only sweat pants right now. No!! Jimin, you only have Taehyung in your mind remember. and wait where am I and why he sit on the floor while talking to me.

" I don't know. it's not my room maybe a hotel room or something... Wait did you..." I said hugging my own chest,
Did he really...

" Ok, I know what you thinking about but come out from your imagination right now because it's not true. Last night you hug me tightly, I can't even move, my arms about to break but it's okay. The worse is you kicked me out from the bed to fall on the floor. I've never know a perfect innocently artist sleep like that." He said. I got it now why he is so mad at me, but who's perfect when they sleep?

' he's pouting with that damn plum lip again, stop it Jungkook, how could you think that oh maybe because they both have familiar lip, yeah familiar lip' Jungkook thinking to himself while staring at Jimin's lip.

*Beeb beeb* the phone rang on the night stand.

" Yours..." Jungkook stand up and pass the phone to me.

" Hello! Manger-" I didn't even finish it

" JIMIN!! Did you see the new?!!!" my manager yell at the phone loudly.

" With a mysterious guy aish ... I'll send it to you" he hung up.

K-buzz article: the mysterious guy show up with our heart throb, honey, sweet, nation choice Park Jimin. The artist of KIM ENTERTAINMENT, that's guy look like a chaebol that the owner of the popular club that they came out last night and the heir of huge company. Click here for picture...

Slut24 wow, I ship them.
Butterfly pea what about the other guy his bff 🤔
Mochi4ever No, Don't tell me he got
Boyfriend 😭

" Shit, I messed up"


After a headache at office a whole day Taehyung come back home to see Jin who sit freely when the huge bag of chip in his hand while watching TV with a windshield wipers laugh.

" What's so funny?" Taehyung said smile at Jin but Jin ignore and continue to laugh.

" Sign here" Taehyung said and put a contact on the table

" What's this?" Jin said curiously.

" Contract of our fake relationship"

" 1. Cook for the house owner, prepared clothes to work, do the laundry
2. Sleep in the same room
3. Can't go on a date with someone else" Jin read loudly.

" I don't eat vegetables by the way even cucumber. I only eat kimchi" Taehyung said.

" I'm not-ahhhh...." Jin scream loudly one big bug came out of nowhere and stay on his hand, it looks scary.

" Relax... Are you open the window?" Taehyung asked.

" Fuck!!... Take it away please" Jin really and he feel guilty so he doesn't want to say anything.

Taehyung hit Jin's hand with a soft pillow, the bug fly to the wall, they both smile feeling relieved but the bug fly back and stay on Taehyung's nose, Jin panic didn't know what to do so he take the baseball bait and hit Taehyung " urghh!!!" after that there's silent because of Taehyung passed out.

" Taehyung-sh~~" "Taehyung-shi~~" Jin cry because he scared, " I'm sorry!!" " Don't die please..." he put his head on Taehyung's chest listening to his heart beat. He cried out loudly like a kid " I'm sorry Taehyung-shi!!"


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