PaRt EiGhTeEn

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Seokjin's POV

" Seokjin! Wake up, we arrived"

I heard a slightly voice waking me up I tried to open my eyes I saw his handsome face but I don't care so I go back to sleep and wrapped my hand around his waist, my head lay on his chest and my face snuggling on his chest.

" I guess I need to carry you out of the car then" I didn't reply cuase I'm so exhausted to do anything, he sighed and scoop me up from the seat
" you really lost weight a lot I can't recognize you at first" this time I open my eyes and met his eyes while he looking down at my face we stay like this for a little while then I broke the silent.

" I can walk myself" I tried to get out from his arms and he release me.
" Don't act like we know each other just act like before like we don't know each other" I said into his face.

" Jin, you still angry with me about that time when you give the letter to me actually it's not like what you think" he said looking straight at my face.

" What letter? what're you talking about?" I said to him, I know what he's talking about but I pretend like don't remember a thing.

" Oh you don't remember it, it's good then It's in a past now" he said and his face show some kind of disappointment and angry expression
" It's nothing important anyway" he said coldly, it's nothing important? what a heartless person, he's never change a bit, I tried so hard to control myself from yelling at his face.

" Let's get out" he open the car door and get out then I look at the huge mansion that stand in front of my face.

" Where are we?, bring me back to my apartment" I said looking somewhere else but not at his face and still sit in the car.

" It's too late to go back-" " I don't care" I cut him.

" Ok, stay in the car then if you don't want to come in" he said and walks toward in his mansion.

" Do you really leave me alone in this car Kim Taehyung?" I talk to myself in the dark car and the worse is I've had a nyctophobia since the accident when I was young, I tried to sigh slowly and open flash on my with my shaky hand, I continue to sigh with my anxiety for two minutes and then I heard his voice.

" you're not going to come in, are you?" He said to me but I ignore him, pretend like I don't hear anything even though I feel relieved that he comes out for me. " what a stubborn person you are" still don't look or talk back then he lower his head in the car and lift me up in his arms.

" Hey!!! Put me down!!!" I scream loudly but maybe nobody hear it since there's only his house and the others house are really far away, he ignore my word and keep walking
"Put me down!!!" Still ignore "Put me down!!" I scream again I think my throat is really hurt due to how much I scream at him, he's really stubborn.
"YOU IDIOT" I know I shouldn't said that but I don't care.

" well you call me V hyung though before and now what a brat you are" he said to me with serious expression, stop walking, looking at my face, staring at my eyes. I tried to move from his arms but it's useless " stay still, stop talking and stop being a BRAT" then he continue " or I will shut your mouth with mine" my eyes widened and stared at his face and I saw the corner of his lip lift into a smirk, I stay still like a stick and he keep walking in his huge house toward the guest room I believed.

" Go shower and change" he slightly put me down on the bed and hand me one of his boxer and large gray sweat shirt, I look at him I didn't notice that his wet hair and sweat pants and shirt maybe he'd just showered " I know I'm handsome but please go take a shower, you can come out and continue to do it after that" he said teasing me.
" I don't want to shower here" I frown and look at him " I want to go to my apartment" I said stay still.

" I guess I need to shower you then" he walk to me, sat on the bed and reach his hand almost touch my shirt " Arghh!!!!" I scream and ran quickly the bathroom, I heard he laughing at my back " you pervert old man" I said.

After thirteen minutes of shower I came out and saw him still there in the room, why doesn't he go back to his room?

" What are you doing here? " He pointed at himself and said " me? this is my room that's why I'm here" he said with his not so bother face.
" then I will go to the guest room" I almost walk to the door but he stopped me.

" The air-conditioner in the guest room is broken, I haven't fixed it yet cause I didn't expect the guest" he said nomally.

" Why don't you bring me home then?" I said annoying.

" KIM SEOKJIN, come to the bed and sleep now" he said with a serious face again, I slowly moving and lay on the bed then I saw him got up and sit on the bed then... Wait... take his shirt off!! " What are you doing?!!" I panic and claw on the blanket tightly.

" Relax, I'm hot that's why I take my shirt off, time to sleep" he turned the light off, it's good that I don't have to see his body but the bad thing is I'm a fraid of the dark I try to move closer to his side and he didn't move so I wrapped my arms around his waist embrace him tightly with the anxiety.

## I forgot to put on a tag it's maknae Seokjin guys ^^##

💜💜 ~Enjoy the story~💜💜

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