A New Arrival

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Nathan's POV

"Ooh we do!" I raised my hand as Punzie handed me two plates. "Thank you!" I smiled at her. "Anytime Darlin'." Punzie smiled.

"Woo, I got us cake." I handed Amy a plate. "And chocolate!" Amy sniffled the plate. "I love chocolate!" I licked some of the frosting.

"Come on Nathan, let's get to our table." Amy grabbed my hand. We walked over to a table next to my parents and in between Amy's parents.

"Thanks for buying me this dress." Amy smiled at her white dress. "It wasn't a problem." I smiled and ate my cake.


-Time Skip-

Elsa's POV

I shook Jack awake at.. I check the time.

4:49 AM

"Mmgrh.. What?" Jack rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "I'm having contractions!" I panted. "Oh boy, Els, you're a day late. Maybe the baby's is coming today." Jack responded.

"Maybe, just call the ambulance!" I screamed in total pain. Jack nodded and ran to his phone. "Nathan!" I shouted. "Oh my," Nathan saw me sweating and panting.

"Can you get me a hot towel?" I asked him panting through the contraction. "Yeah!" Nathan ran to the kitchen. "They're going to be here in a few minutes." Jack rushed over to me.

"GAAAH!" I screamed. "Don't push, not yet." Jack held my hand and squeezed it. I rubbed my forehead as Nathan came running in.

"Hot towel!" Nathan shouted and placed the hot towel on my forehead.

Whee Woo, Whee Woo, Whee Woo (Just use your imaginations)

"Mam!" The man shouted bringing in a wheeler. "Nathan, call Anna and get her to come here! I'll be with Elsa!" Jack shouted when we all got in the ambulance.

"Okay Dad!" Nathan shouted and rushed back inside. "Geez Jack, we're never doing this again." I smiled when the man put this bag of water next to me.


"Push Darlin' push!" The nurse shouted at me. I grunted and pushed with all my might. "I see the head. Darlin' Im going to need you to push even harder!" The nurse shouted.

"I can't..can you do it for me?" I looked at Jack next to me. "No, No, you're almost there." Jack leaned on my rails. "Okay!" I pushed my head forward, bumping into Jack's making him fall to the floor.

"Oww!" Jack yelled in pain. I pushed, "Are you okay?!"

"You have no idea how much this hurts." Jack rubbed his forehead. I panted looking at him and the nurse looked back at him.

"Keep pushing!" Jack shouted to get the attention away from him. "One last push!" The nurse yelled. I pushed. Like I've never pushed before.

This is even more painful then the time I got hit by a car! "She's out!" The nurse pulled out a healthy baby girl out. "Oh, she's beautiful." I gasped.

"Okay Honey, I need you to push again. We've got another one coming in a few seconds." The nurse told me handing the baby to the cleaning station.

"I just had a baby, leave me alone." I panted. Im so tired. "Wait." Jack shushed me. "Don't you shush me!" I looked at him.

"Twins?" Jack asked the nurse and she nodded. "Say wha.." I felt another contraction. "Dang it!" I yelled and pushed.

"A baby boy!" The nurse held him up. "Aww!" I smiled at him. "He's adorable." Jack smirked.


Anna's POV

"You gotta come and get me Auntie Anna!" Nathan screamed through the phone. "Coming! We're going straight to the hospital too!" I smiled and hung up.

"Kristoff! Tell everyone to meet up at the hospital. It's time for another reunion." I told Kristoff who just began to put on his coat. "On it." He said tossing me the keys.

"Come on." I ran outside with Kristoff trailing behind.

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