A Group Reunion

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Jack's POV

-Later that Night-

"Okay, so this is Amy. She's a friend that I..uh..admire." Nathan said smiling. "Nice to meet you." Amy said with her hand out.

"Pleasure." Elsa said shaking Amy's hand. "Nice meeting you." I said with a smile. "Oh, so you admire her?" Elsa said with a smirk.

Nathan ran his hand through his hand with a nod. "Aww, that's adorable." I said teasingly. "Alright umm, should we be getting to work?" Amy asked Nathan.

"Yes, we should." Nathan said smiling. "Well, no messing around you too." Elsa said then stood up. "That goes for you Nathan." I said leaving the room.

"We won't!" Nathan yelled then I heard footsteps running up the stairs.

Nathan's POV

"Sorry about my parents." I said closing the door as soon as Amy got in. "It's okay. They were nice anyway." Amy said with a smile.

"True, but sometimes too nice." I said sitting down on my chair. "What's wrong with that?" Amy asked, sitting on my bed.

"I'm not used to having my parents being so nice." I said spinning around in my chair. "Well okay, let's get to work on this project." Amy said picking up a pencil.

Elsa's POV

"I'll be back, I just need to get some food." I said kissing Jack's cheek. "Be careful. This neighborhood is dangerous at night." Jack said kissing my forehead.

"I can protect myself." I snorted. Jack laughed as he took a sip out of his hot chocolate. I grabbed my bag then walked out the door.

It's a good thing Merida gave me all these mini knives for Christmas. Such a weird gift.

Let's see my credit card. Check. Money. Check. And my cellphone. Check.

"Hey beautiful!" A guy with a rough voice yelled from behind me. I scoffed, turning around. "Leave me alone."

More guys came out of the dark whistling their own tune. "Come on daring. Why are you so afraid?" A guy with a bushy beard said in a baby voice.

"Go away." I said annoyed. "We won't. Not unless you give us all your money!" A guy screamed, pulling a gun out.

Oh boy, Merida was right about being raped in a dark alley. Although, it's not very dark and I don't think I will get raped.

"Not. A. Chance." I said kicking a guy in the jaw. This guy jumped back as I kicked him again.

"Shoot her!" The tall man yelled. Some of his body guards began to shoot but I quickly ducked behind some empty crates.

I panted, while I quickly grabbed one of Merida's knives. "No one messes with me." I said standing up, dodging some bullets then I quickly knocked a guy out.

One down, five more to go! "Johnny!" A bulky guy screamed. I looked around then I stomped on the bulky guy's foot.

I quickly did backflips around the others as I banged their heads together. "Sorry." I said with a small smile. I grabbed my bag then continued my journey for food.

Jack's POV

-7:39 PM-

Hmm, it's been two hours already since Elsa had left. "Bye Mr. Frost." Amy said, with a smile. "Goodbye." I said waving then continued to watch my show.

Family Feud. Haha! Steve..

"Dad, Im starving." Nathan whined as he sat next to me. "Hang on kiddo, mom is going to get some food." I said smiling at Nathan.

The door clicked out and out came..

Anna and Kristoff!

"Aunt Anna! Uncle Kristoff!" Nathan screamed, running over to them.

"Ahh! My nephew!" Anna squealed, hugging Nathan. "Hey Guys! Whatcha doing here?" I asked them.

"We were going to invite you to the reunion!" Anna yelled. Hmm, Anna's braids always jump up and down when she yells.

"A reunion? For what?" I asked both Anna and Kristoff. "For the group of friends!" Kristoff yelled.

Oh man! I haven't seen the whole group together in years! "Awesome!" I said turning off the tv.

"So, where's Elsa?" Anna asked with a smile. "She's out getting food." I answered. "So, wait if you guys are going, who's going to be watching over me?" Nathan asked me with his arms crossed.

"Elsa's dad." I answered Nathan. The door clicked open again and this time, Elsa stepped in with bags of food in her hand.

"Welcome home sis!" Anna squealed, giving her sister a hug. Elsa was shocked her sister was here so she eyed me like I had something to do with this.

"Anna! What are you doing here?" Elsa asked, looking at Anna. "I-We want to invite you to the reunion!" Kristoff said with a smile.

Elsa smiled as she set her bags down. "So? Are you coming?" Anna said following Elsa around the house.

"Well," Elsa sighed. "Probably."

Anna gasped. "What? But you gotta!" Anna exclaimed.

"Come on Els." I said wrapping my arm around her. "Come on, Mom!" Nathan said jumping up and down.

"Fine! I'll go." Elsa said giggling. "It'll be nice to see the group back together again."

Anna let out a crazy laugh, "Yes!"

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