I dare you

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Elsa's POV

So, basically Anna and Kristoff spent the night at our place. It was a bit crowded since my apartment was small. Jack, for some reason, didn't spend the night with me. He, Anna, and Kristoff were talking the whole night.

I covered my ears with my pillow trying to block out the noise of chattering from downstairs. What are they even talking about?

Jack's POV

"So wait, how are you going to do it?" Anna asked with her arms crossed. I sighed, "I just told you."

"It's like this Anna, Jack is trying to propose but not knowing if he should or not." Kristoff answered while looking at Anna. "You should!" Anna gasped.

"But, what if it's too early?" I asked nervously. "Please, you guys had been together for seven years." Kristoff snorted. I rolled my eyes, "Okay okay."

Anna squealed, "When and how Jack?" I thought about that question for while. "Uh, whenever I think it's ready. Just don't tell Elsa. Please." I said begging.

"Promise!" Anna and Kristoff said in unison. I smiled, "Guys, I'll be going back to bed." I said going up the stairs. I opened the door and saw Elsa fast asleep. I quietly got back in bed and fell asleep.


I woke up yawning, and saw Elsa already getting dressed. "Good morning snowflake." I said rubbing my eyes and sitting up. Elsa turned around shaken up. "Oh, morning.."

I got off the bed and quickly got dressed. I walked downstairs, seeing Anna and Kristoff on the phone chatting with the group. It'll be nice to see the old group together, since we haven't seen each other in 6 years.

"Sis, we'll be in the park. Where the old us used to hang out remember?" Anna said with a cheerful smile. "Of course I remember. I'll be there after I drop Nathan off at my dad' house." I said with a small smile.

"Okie dokie!" Anna squealed, then ran out the door. Kristoff waved bye then walked out. I walked to Nathan's room seeing that he was still fast asleep.

"Nathan, it's time to get up buddy." I said opening the blinds. Nathan screamed as the sun hit his eyes. "No! Give more minutes!" Nathan groggily screeched.

I laughed, grabbing the blanket covers and throwing them on the floor. "Rise and shine!" I yelled. Jack came in with pans, banging them together. "Come on Buddy!" Jack yelled.

Nathan eventually gave up and sat up rubbing his eyes. "There we go, hurry up and get ready Nathan." I said smiling. Nathan nodded and ran to the bathroom.

Jack gave me a High five. It was always a struggle to get Nathan up in the morning. Phew!



"Is this the park?" I asked Jack, as I turned the wheel. "I think." Jack said looking at the sign.

I turned the engine off, stepped out of the car and looked around. Yep, this was the place. From far away, I could hear some chatter and laughter. "Let's see the group." Jack said wrapping his arm around my shoulder, then we started to walk.

Hiccup's POV

I was sitting next to Merida, when my two favorite friends showed up. "Elsa! Jack!" I yelled, standing up and walking over to them. "Hiccup!" Jack yelled, hugging me. "Elsa!" Merida screamed. "Merida!" Elsa squealed, and hugged her.

"Whoa, you guys changed so much." I said hugging Elsa. "Not really. You guys didn't change as much either." Jack said pointing to each of us.

"Come on, Merida changed!" Anna screamed. It was true, Merida didn't have her original poofy hair anymore, it was nicely straight.

"Now we just need Rapunzel!" Elsa said jumping up and down. "Hey!" A cheerful voice said from down the hill. Rapunzel was the one who was running up the hill panting.

Her long golden hair was gone. It was short and brown which looks nice. She had her cheerful colors like always. "Punzie!" The girls squealed, hugging her. "Guess what?" Rapunzel said with her hands up.

"What?" I asked her. "Eugene!" Rapunzel answered. Up came the one and only Eugene. He was the same, smolder check, brown hair check, and his little bag, check.

"Hey everyone." Eugene said with a wave. Usually, I would greet first, but I didn't have it in me. "Hi!" Anna said shaking hands with Eugene.

"That's Anna, and I'm Elsa." Elsa said with a warm smile. "Hiccup and Merida." I said pointing to myself, then to Merida.

"Jack, and Kristoff." Anna said pointing to them. "Guys, lets play something like we played in the olden days!" Elsa said excitedly.

"Like what?" Rapunzel asked, sitting on the blanket. Everyone did the same, and we thought for a while. "Spin the bottle!" Merida said like she had a lightbulb.

"Yes!" Jack exclaimed with a huge grin. Elsa took out an empty Coke bottle and laid it on the ground. "The skinny side okay?" Elsa said pointing to it.

"Yep." We all agreed. I spun the bottle first. It landed on...Eugene. We all giggled and laughed. "I dare you to eat a handful of grass." I said pointing to the grass by our feet.

Eugene gave out a disgusted look but agreed. "Challenged Accepted." He said and ate a whole handful of grass. "Eww!" Anna squirmed. "There was probably bugs in there!" Rapunzel shrieked.

"You are vile." Eugene said opening his empty mouth. He swallowed it?! Awesome!

"Your turn." I said pointing to Eugene. He spun the bottle and it landed on Elsa. Eugene smirked and cleared his throat. "I dare you to..

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