It Appeared Like Magic

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This is the night, the night of which Jack invited me on coming to his party. I decided not to wear what Ruby suggested which showed a little much more than 'okay'.

"Then what are you going to wear?" Ruby sat on my bed, twirling her hair. It's nice having a roommate like Ruby to keep me company.

"Hmm. I haven't decided." I looked at my huge closet.

I finally made a choice, with the help of Ruby. I choose a light blue, collar shirt that was transparent, a cute white belt that was in a shape of a bow, and blue shorts. Paired with my black leather handbag of course.

"You think I'm ready?" I had applied very little makeup on. "Yeah, why are you even going to this?" Ruby kicked her red heels off.

"It seems fun. Plus, it's not every night I'm invited to every party in town Ruby." I sighed, walking out the room. She is kind of right. Why am I getting dressed for this one guy I don't even know?

"Elsa.." A breathless voice from behind me spoke in a whisper. I turned around seeing a young woman. Preferably in her 20s.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking at her from up and down. "I'm Lily."


"Got the drinks?" I asked Hic who was just taking the Dixie cups and getting them on tables. "Are you gonna drug this girl? Cause I've never seen you been so nice to any girls before." Hic poured some punch into the bowl.

"Nah, I feel like we've met before. But..I don't know where." I shrugged my shoulders when Punzie walked in with Mer. "Guys, you forgot the chocolate!" Punzie exclaimed seeing our hard preparation.

"Why? I thought girls didn't like chocolate?" I pulled out a box of the most expensive chocolates I've ever bought. Around 200 to 300 dollars.

"What's this girl's name again?" Mer asked, getting out the soda bottles. "Elsa." I said. As I said it, I felt a rush of something run through me.


"Jack, you idiot!" Elsa had shouted at me, in a joking manner. I looked at her chuckling. I realized that it was our second year of dating which is cute.

We sat in this buffet where I had just spit out some crab all over this waiter. "It was funny!" I protested. Elsa sipped her water. "Mhm."

"Come on! It was." I leaned forward with a smirk on my face. "Fin-,"

*End Of FlashBack*

"Earth to Jack? You there buddy?" Hic had looked at me. In fact my whole group looked at me. "I just had this flashback.." I panted, holding my head.

"Again? Is it about that Elsa girl?" Punzie had crossed her arms. "Ye got Eugene Punz, don't be so jelly." Mer nudged Punzie. "It was about Elsa. But I didn't even take her to a buffet!" I exclaimed.

The doorbell rang. It's gotta be Elsa.

"Get the door for me can you?" Hic asked me, while getting the nachos out. I nodded, walking over to the door. I opened it revealing a stunning Elsa.

She looks beautiful..

"Welcome!" I said with excitement in my voice. Elsa giggled, when a girl came up from behind her. She had dark brown hair, that stopped at her waist, she had red highlights, and red lipstick.

"This is Ruby, my best friend." Elsa introduced me to Ruby with a handshake. "Hi. Mind if I come in?" Ruby asked which I nodded politely.

"Let me take your jacket." I offered after closing the door. "I'm not wearing one." Elsa smiled.

Such a beautiful smile..

"Oh! Right. Umm my friends are in the place already, why don't you meet them?" I took her hand in mine as I led her to my friends.

Her hand reacted and wrapped around mine. Our hands were perfect together.

"Hi! I'm Punzie! Or Rapunzel, whichever one is good." Punzie shook hands with Elsa ecstatically. "Hiccup, Mer, And Eugene." I pointed to each of them.

"Hi." Hiccup, Mer, and Eugene said in unison. "Oh! And this is Ruby." Elsa went to her friend. "Hi!" Rapunzel shook hands with Ruby.

"So, this is the so called party?" Elsa had taken a cup of punch already. "Yeah! In senior year, I was the best party maker." I tried to brag.

"Not even. Jack was that one person who never got invited!" Hic laughed which made Elsa giggle. "So Elsa, you new to this part of town?" Eugene asked her.

"No. I've lived here since I was a little girl." Elsa answered. "Wait Elsa Winters?" Mer had thought for a while. "Yes?" Elsa asked looking at Mer.

"That rich folk that live in the gated community?" Punzie dipped her chips in the salsa. "Umm yeah." Elsa nodded, glancing at me with a look in her eyes.

"Whoa! Your sister is amazing!" Hiccup had stopped what he was doing and walked to Elsa. "Uh Guys? Make her feel at home!" I had exclaim when I saw Elsa was uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, this is her at home." Ruby smiled.

"Why didn't you live there?" Punzie asked Elsa. "I don't know. I woke up one day, saw this ring on my finger, been in this apartment I've never seen before." Elsa explained.

"Wait, was the apartment really messy? Like with baby stuff?" I asked curiously. "Yeah. Was it yours?!" Elsa freaked out which Ruby came to comfort her.

"No! I woke up in the same place, with no memories of how I got there!" I tried not to freak her out. "So wait, you guys met before?" Hic asked from the living room.

"No?" I said unsure. Punzie stood behind Hic. "Seems like it." Punzie was looking at a photo. "What?" Me and Elsa said in unison, walking to the picture.

It was me and Elsa dressed very formally. "What the.." I muttered, taking the photo out of its frame. On the back it said, 'Our Wedding'

"You married her?" Eugene asked. "No! I don't remember!" I shook my head. "Did you?" I looked at Elsa who shook her head.

"So, how?" Mer pointed to the photo. "I've never seen this before too." Hic picked the photo out of my hands. "And I've been to your house a lot, Jack." Hic added.

"It appeared, like magic." Elsa said.

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