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The next morning, Nathan and the babies came back from my dad's place. Me and Jack took our necklaces off, when Nathan entered the room. "Nathan, where did you get these?" Jack threw him the necklaces.

"From a teacher." Nathan caught the necklaces and placed them on the table. "What's the name?" I tapped the tip of my shoe impatiently. "Rumple Gold." Nathan replied as Jack let out a small gasp.

"What? You know him?" I looked at Jack longingly. "Of course. For years actually." Jack had his hands in his pockets. "Okay, we'll return them. I don't ever want to see these again." I picked up Lucas in one hand and Opal in the other.

"Okay mom." Nathan stuffed the necklaces inside his pockets. "Good, now who wants takeout?" Jack dialed the phone number. "Mmm.." I sighed imagining that food.


12:30 am..

I quietly got up from my bed, and took out the necklaces. I opened the door to Elsa and Jack's room still in Nathan's body. I smashed the necklace draining the liquid coming out of it, and dropped the liquid into Jack's mouth first. Then Elsa's.

Elsa quickly gasped as she sat up quickly. I ran out the room leaving the door open. There, that's good enough.


"Jack. Jack!" Elsa whispered, shaking me awake. "Mmm..what?" I looked at her, sitting up. "Sour, something sour. You taste it?" Elsa pointed to her mouth. "No because I don't have your mouth."

Elsa sighed as she got her lips on mine. Still magical like the first time we kissed. To think of it, something does taste very sour.

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