Saving The Husbands

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A Few Weeks Later..


"Elsssaaaa...." I looked at her while her nose wrinkled in frustration of trying to ignore me. "What is it?" Elsa took her glasses off signing her name on a few documents. A few times I would sign but not very often.

"Are you done yet?" I asked her with a sly smile. Elsa groaned and nodded. "I am now." Elsa stood up and stretched.

"I can't believe we did that." Elsa looked at the papers on the papers that were sitting on the table. "I can't either but one day, they'll find us. I know they will." I held Elsa close as she sobbed in my chest, staining my white shirt.

Great. It's see-through.

"I'll miss the twins." Elsa whimpered that it almost made me cry. Almost but not really.

"We got Nathan. At least he didn't get hurt." Elsa looked up at me with her watery eyes. I wiped her tears away with my thumb.

"We gave them their best chance." I kissed her forehead when the knock. "I'll get it." Elsa said walking to the door. I sighed when I picked up the twins and kissed their foreheads. "Find us.." I whispered to them before handing them over to the adoption lady.

"Thank you Mr and Mrs Frost. Here's your complimentary pen." The woman gave us a pen but we didn't take it. "I miss them already." Elsa had closed the door while crying on my shoulder once again.

"What's going on?" Nathan came to us with his broken arm. "We gave your brother and sister to a safer family.." Elsa explained to Nathan who didn't want to believe it.

Poor kid.

We all sat on the couch, snuggled up with each other quietly crying.

They'll find us.


Weeks Before..

"Cruella..leave my sister alone!" Elsa shouted when she stood by my cell door. "Elsa, leave! Go on save yourself!" I pulled on the chains but it only dug deeper into my skin.

"I'm not leaving without you Anna!" Elsa punched Cruella square in the face. Elsa took a bobby pin out of her hair and quickly unlocked me.

"Not another move or your husbands suffers it!" Cruella pointed to Kristoff and Jack who were hanging from a building. Shouting and trying to free themselves was all they could do.

"Kristoff!" I shouted but realized they couldn't hear me. "What do you want?" Elsa yelled holding onto me protectively.

"I wan-," Cruella started but never finished. A loud clang came from behind her as Cruella dropped to the floor.



Me and Anna hugged our cousin for saving our lives. "All the villains in one place." Punzie gasped when she saw knives, magic bottles, and poisons.

"Come on, we gotta save our husbands." Anna reminded us from the magic.

"Wait, we might need some of these." I picked a knife with some words on it that read, "Rumpleskitskin".

"Ready?" Punzie had her hair tied up to keep her from tripping. "Ready." Me and Anna said in unison.

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