Chapter 8.4

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   Jane drew a deep breath when the doorbell rang just afternoon on Tuesday. A quick check in a wall mirror let her know that her hair was reasonably tidy, and her deep-scooped white T-shirt was neatly tucked into her short khaki skirt. Her legs were bare except for the leather sandals that revealed her silver-painted toenails. Trying to look as if she'd given ardor any thought at all to her appearance, she flung open the door. "Hi, Ty."

   "Hi." He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "You look very nice."

   "Thanks. I'm glad you were free for lunch today. When I called to invite you, I half expected you to be too busy."

   "Actually, it's a slow day at the office. Mom and Dad left this morning to meet their new granddaughter, and my next appointment isn't until three o'clock. Your invitation was a nice surprise."

   She was delighted to hear that—and to discover that he didn't have to hurry back. "How is the new grandchild?" she asked, trying to keep her tone casual.

   "I talked to Jake this morning, when Madison was only five hours old. According to him, his daughter is the most beautiful and talented child ever born. He's wrong, of course, since my own children already hold that distinction, but I allowed him to hand on to his illusions."

   "That was very generous of you."

   "I thought so." And then he changed the subject. "Something smells good."

   "I just took some rolls out of the oven. It's so warm out today, I thought we'd have a light lunch. Chicken salad, fruit and wheat rolls."

   "Sounds good. Much better than the burger I was expecting."

   "Then let's eat. Everything's ready. Feel free to take off the jacket and tie. I don't run a formal dining room."

   She didn't wait to see if he followed her teasing suggestion, but turned to walk into the kitchen. He joined her only moments later. She just retrieved a pitcher of iced tea from the refrigerator, and she deliberately tightened her grip to keep from dropping it when she looked at him. Tyler had shed his jacket and tie, had unfastened the top button of his white shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his forearms. She didn't know whether it had fallen onto his hair, or whether it had fallen into his forehead when he'd removed his tie, but it looked sexily tousled now.

   The guy was gorgeous, she thought with a silent, wistful sigh. It was all she could do not to wrap herself around him right there in her kitchen. "Sweetened or unsweetened?" she asked, indicating the tea pitcher in her hands.

   Tyler gave her a look that made her stomach muscles flutter. "I like my tea sweet."

   Feeling bold again, she sauntered to the table, set the pitcher down and asked in a drawl, "And how do you like your women?"

   "Spicy," he answered without hesitation.

   Delighted, she ran her fingertips down his cheek as she moved part him to her chair. "I think I am corrupting you, Ty."

   "You haven't heard me complaining, have you?"

   "Not yet." She wondered what he'd do when he heard that the local scandalmongers were placing bets on their future.

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