Chapter 12.1 (Part 2)

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   Tyler met her at his door less than half an hour later. The expression on his face made her eyes fill again. "Oh, Ty. I'm so sorry," she said, putting her arms around him.

   He gathered her close for a fierce hug, and for several long moments they just stood there, holding each other, Jane offering comfort, Tyler accepting it. He finally drew away. "Amy's taking a nap," he said roughly. "Tom's in his room. He's upset that I'm leaving, though I think he understands that I have to go. I wrote down everything I could think of that you need to know. I'll call as often as I can."

   "We'll be fine," she assured him. "Go to Brent."

   He started to speak, then choked. Jane rested a hand against his cheek. "Your brother's going to make it. I feel it."

   "Jane Doherty's brand of optimism," he murmured, putting his hand over hers. "I'll try to hold on to it."

   Looking straight in his eyes, she said, "You do that." Then she withdrew her hand from his face and asked, "Do you want to say goodbye to Tom before you go?"

   "I've already told him goodbye. And I just looked in on Amy. I'd better go. My parents are anxious to get to the airport." He said to her.

   "I'll take good care of the children." She promised him.

   "I know you will." He brushes a kiss against her cheek. "When I get back, we're going to have that talk. And this time you're going to listen."

   Her heart was in her throat when she watched him pick up the suitcase he'd had waiting by the door and let himself out. She couldn't help being aware that he had turned to her in his time of need. He trusted her with his children. She would have to give careful thought to what that meant.

   She had never even been in his home before, she suddenly realized, turning to look at the room around her. It didn't take her long to find Tom's room. The door was open and Tom was on the bed, holding a stuffed monkey and looking at a picture book. He looked up without smiling. "Is my daddy gone?"

   "Yes. He's gone to take care of your uncle Brent." She sat lightly on the edge of the bed, facing him. "He'll be back as soon as he can."

   The boy's lip quivered. "My mommy didn't come back."

   His barely audible murmur broke her heart. "Your daddy will come back, Tom. I'm sure of it."

   He seemed to take reassurance from her promise.

   "In the meantime," she added bracingly, "you and I are going to take care of Amy.  D'you think we can handle that?"

   Straightening his narrow little shoulders, he nodded. "I'll help you," he assured her. "I know what to do."

   "I'm glad to hear that," she said. "Because I'm new at this."

   A bit tentatively, Tom set the book aside and moved closer to Jane. She reached out to him, and he burrowed himself into her arms. Holding him close, she rested her cheek on his soft blond hair and felt herself fall helplessly in love all over again.

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