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Y/n's POV:

As we walked through the museum, I can't help but think, 'Is everything really okay now?'

I glanced at Yeonjun and saw he was laughing with his members and sunbae's. I stopped and looked at them all.

"Maybe, just maybe things would've gotten better if I didn't come." I suddenly said out loud by accident, but not too loud.

"Y/n," I turned and saw Namjoon, "Oh yes?" I smiled slightly. "No, it's actually better you came, you brought us all together if I were to be honest."

I froze and looked at the ground and sighed.

"Thank you." Was all I could force out.

"Y/n, please don't let a simple boy make you think that." I looked up and smiled weakly.

'I really wish it was a simple boy who made me think that but no.' Was the only think I wanted to say but couldn't find the courage.

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind oppa." I smiled once again and he hugged me.

"If ever you need someone to talk to, I suggest you talk to Jin hyung or Hobi hyung since they're better at that than me." Namjoon said as he laughed and patted my head.

"I'll keep that in mind too then." I smiled as we continued walking.

We all made it out and surprisingly it was already evening and Yeonjun said we needed to head back so we all could rest and get ready for the other places to visit tomorrow.

We were all brought to a restaurant to have our dinner. We all sat on a rounded table and Soobin was to my right as Yeonjun was to my left and Taehyung was sitting in front of me.

"Y/n what do you think about our trip today?" Jimin asked from the other side of the table.

"It was fun of course," I said as I remembered Yeonjun trying to get a plushie. "And I was happy I got to spend time with all of you." I said looking at the plushie Soobin got me.

"And I bet she's happy they finally made up." I slightly blushed but I chuckled and glanced at Soobin seeing him softly smiling down at me.

"Ah look at that smile," Jin pointed out, "A smile of success." Yoongi continued.

"Yah, if you make Y/n cry, I will not hesitate okay?" Yeonjun said as he glared at Soobin.

"I hope I won't." Soobin said smiling sadly.

"And I hope I won't make him cry either." Yeonjun looked at me in confusion at first before sighing.

"Y/n-ah I know you won't make him cry." Yeonjun said as he jokingly glared at Soobin again.

We all laughed and our food arrived.

"Y/n you should eat more." Jimin said putting meat in my plate.

I sighed in happiness, I love meat.

I was surprised there was more and when I looked who gave it, I smiled.

"Thank you!" I said I started eating.

Soobin stared at me while I eat and smiled, "You're welcome."

"Ah I thought Soobin will get jealous again." Taehyung said which caused everyone to laugh.

"A-ani hyung. I'll try not to now." Soobin said as he scratched his nape.

"Ah that's good that you've woken up to your senses Soobin-ah." Jungkook said smiling proudly.

"N-ne hyung, I'm sorry for the way I acted or if I ever hurted or caused anger in you guys just because of my actions." Soobin apologized.

"It's okay, just don't do it again." Jungkook said as he smiled at Soobin.

We all nodded and continued eating.

Time went by and we were done.

We all payed and walked out waiting for the van to arrive and drop us off our hotel.

I sat on a nearby bench and stared at the night sky.

To my surprise, Soobin joined me.

"How's the plushie?" I giggled and looked at the plushie and back at him.

"It's doing fine, for now." He playfully rolled his eyes and laughed.

We both remained in silence as we stared at the stars together. The rest of us started sitting in the benches beside us and near us as we were tired from the whole day.

I leaned back and took in the moment, fearing this might be the last time due to a busy life.

"Yah, why do you look so troubled?" Taehyung asked, popping out of nowhere.

"Just scared that this might be the last time we'd all be together like this." Taehyung froze and sat beside me pulling me into a side hug.

"Yah, we can always come back here when we're all free." Taehyung said as he glanced at me.

"Yeah Y/n, when we're free maybe we can even visit othe places." Soobin said as he patted my head.

"I know you're sad about it but don't worry, we'll always keep in touch." Soobin nodded in agreement to what Taehyung said.

"Yah! Everyone, gather around and let's take a picture for memory." Taehyung announced.

"Okaaayyy!" Jimin said as he did a little dance.

We all gathered with me being in the center and took a few pictures.

We were all happy at that moment, and I wished it would've stayed on that moment.

The happiness ended when Yeonjun grabbed my arm.

"Yah, your nose is bleeding." He said as he rummaged through his fanny pack.

"I'm so glad I bring these with me." I glanced at him and he nodded slightly.

"Yah, are you okay? Why is your nose bleeding?" Soobin said panic evident in his eyes.

"Y/n is everything okay?" Jimin asked hoping it's nothing serious.

One by one of the members asked about it which caused me to laugh.

"I'm okay really, probably it was just hot since we've been walking around and plus it's summer so why not." I giggled, "And maybe I haven't been drinking water."

"Are you sure?" Yeonjun asked me as he handed me water.

'Where did this come from?'

I took it and drank some.

"Believe me, I'm fine." I smiled wiping the last drop of blood.

"Ah lucky it didn't go to Luna." I caressed the plushie.

"You literally named it while we're here worrying." Jungkook said as he facepalmed.

"At least she isn't dirty!" I said pointing at it.

"Aish, make sure you're okay if not we'll really bring you to the hospital." I felt myself tense as the word 'Hospital' was mentioned.

I looked up and smiled, although I felt Yeonjun's eyes on me, "I'm okay, and I swear on everything I own."

And with that everyone nodded and got ready since the van was here.


If Only || Choi Soobin [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora