Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Katy’s Point of View

“Hello Louis,” I murmured, as I stepped out of the doorway so the three of them could come in. To say I was a little surprised to see him would have been a understatement, especially as I had only been chilling on the sofa all day. I definitely wasn’t my most attractive right about now, and despite the fact I really shouldn’t have cared, it made me feel self-conscious to be the only one who didn’t look flawless.

“Hi Katy,” he replied with a somewhat awkward smile.

“Louis’ staying the night,” Elly told me as Zayn dragged her past me and into their bedroom.

“Oh is he?” I responded, hoping my shock didn’t sound too obvious in my voice. I didn’t get a reply as the door to the bedroom shut with a bang and I smirked – knowing that I wouldn’t be seeing the pair of them until they stumbled out of bed the following afternoon.

“Apparently I am.” Louis barked out a laugh and I smiled shyly at him before sitting back by the table. I took up my pencil and returned to one of the photos of me from my most recent photoshoot – sketching away at the position of my arm, legs and hair.

“What are you doing?” Louis asked with what sounded like genuine interest. I shifted slightly under his intense stare, as he walked over to where I was sitting and pulled out the chair next to me. He seemed much more at ease than he had with Zayn and Elly in the room.

“Just pre-photoshop edits.” I explained, but seeing his confused look I elaborated more. “Occasionally they give me the option to improve my own photos, to see what kind of thing I think looks best. Here,” I pointed with the end of my pencil where I’d re-drawn my arm to look thinner and at a slightly different angle. “I think it would look better if it was more like this.”

“You mean these photos haven’t been edited at all?” he picked up the pile of photos which I’d tossed to the side of me and scanned through them – his eyes seemingly scrutinizing every detail.   

“Not yet,” I replied, turning my gaze to watch him flick through each one with interest. I was surprised to feel heat rise to my cheeks at his intensity. I’d seen thousands of people point out my flaws and tell editors what to change about my photo to make me look nicer – I’d all but ignore any negative comments about my body nowadays, but something about the way Louis was looking at my photos made me hope desperately that he found me attractive. Odd.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured so quietly that I wondered if he’d even wanted me to hear. I smiled slightly as he placed the photos down on the table again and I glanced over to meet his curious gaze. We stared at each other in silence for an immeasurable amount of time and I had to turn away first, my hands quickly occupying themselves with my drawing again.

“Katy…” he started and I looked back at him, my heart thumping uneasily at the change of his tone. He’d gone to light-hearted to deadly serious in one word. “About that kiss…I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to do anything you didn’t want to –”

I cut him off immediately, panic bubbling up as I realised he thought that I hadn’t wanted him to kiss me. Fair enough, at the time I’d been overwhelmed with guilt…but it had still been nice. If I was being honest, it had been far better than just ‘nice’. “No, no, no, no!” I pushed, raising my hands up – almost as though I was surrendering.

Louis’s face crumpled in a confused frown, “But I thought -”

Before he could finish the sentence I’d replied again, “I did want to kiss you. Really. I’m sorry I reacted the way I did, I just have a lot of emotions going inside me right now. I’m confused by my own feelings.” I blurted out, admitting more than I was going to.

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