Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Julia’s Point Of View

“Julia! Come in here,” my mum yelled from the living room. I rolled my eyes and ran down the stairs; the way she spoke made it sound as though someone was dying. I knew that it was much more likely to be something inconsequential.

“Yeah?” I asked impatiently.

“Listen, isn’t this the boy you used to go to school with?” she asked, gesturing to the radio. I raised an eyebrow and listened to the familiar voice.

“And umm…I’d just like to say…a massive thank you to everyone…you errm, bought the new CD.” The voice said so slowly that I would probably have had time to fly to Australia and back before he’s finished his sentence.

A long-forgotten hated bubbled up at the sound of that voice. That boy who had irritated and annoyed me more than any other person, that boy who I didn’t think I’d ever have to see again…he was the one who had to get famous. He was the one whose face had to be plastered all over music stores, just so I could never really forget him. It just wasn’t fair.

“Yeah, that’s Harry.” I muttered. “He’s in a band now or something.”

Or something. Only my mum wouldn’t have heard of One Direction. They were so big all around the world now; I didn’t see the big attraction. Harry Styles always has been and always will be a dick. Of course, their screaming fans didn’t know that.

I was so glad that my parents had decided to move out of Cheshire and down to London. At the time, I’d yelled and screamed at them because I hadn’t wanted to leave my friends and change to a different college. I knew that Cheshire was now entirely supportive of Harry and that everything he did was soon known by the whole county. I wouldn’t have been able to stand that.

My mum laughed quietly, “You never did like him, did you?”

I blinked at her, surprised that my mum would have remembered my dislike for him. Harry never bullied me or teased me in any way. Truthfully, he hadn’t done anything for me to hate him…there was something in his manner that really put me off. Maybe it was the way he used to seem so arrogant and was so popular with everyone.

“No not really.” I replied, trying to make my voice sound neutral but failing miserably. “He just kind of…annoyed me.”

Annoyed me was a slight understatement. He had been in my year at school and in a couple of my classes. We used to speak occasionally but neither of us would have considered the other a friend, or anything like it. I still had him as a friend on facebook, and I had to laugh when he changed it to a random boys name to stop all the fans from finding him. Luckily he didn’t have much time to sit around on facebook all day, so his name rarely appeared.

To be fair, I hadn’t listened to any of the music he or his band had made. I suppose I had judged One Direction on the fact that Harry was in it and that it wouldn’t be any good. I’d never heard Harry sing until my parents had made me watch his audition, and he hadn’t been bad then. It was three, four years later since then and I knew his voice would have developed even more. Despite the fact that it seemed that their music would be pretty good, I just didn’t want to be associated with him. If any of my tumblr followers found out we’d been to the same school I’d never be able to rest again.

“Oh Julia, honey?” my mum stopped me just as I was about to go back to my room.

“Yeah?” I replied, my foot on the first step.

“You got a letter from your old school.” She said, passing it to me.

“I wonder what they want,” I raised an eyebrow and stared at the familiar logo which was plastered on the front of the envelope. My mum was obviously thinking the same as she didn’t move back to the living room despite the fact the radio had finished with the advert break.

I tore at the envelope and tossed it to one side, unfolding the paper and quickly scanning through the letter inside.

“They want me to go back to a reunion party.” I scoffed, raising my eyebrows. “I swear you only do those when you’ve left for about ten years, not four.” I absentmindedly scrunched up the paper in my hand but my mum took it and spread it out.

“You should go!” she said enthusiastically. “You always used to complain about being so far away from your friends and this is a perfect opportunity for you to go and see them.”

“Mum, nearly all of them can drive now. I see them at least once a month.” I explained  with a laugh.

“We haven’t seen your cousins for weeks.” She said, explaining her ulterior motives.

“Oh so you’d go with me?” I rolled my eyes at her. Cheshire was a distance away from London, but I’d passed my driving test several years ago and I was more than confident to drive that way by myself.

“Well of course,” she laughed. “Your dad would come too.”

“Oh that’s just what I want, to be surrounded by my embarrassing relatives as I meet people I haven’t seen for years.” I muttered sarcastically.

My mum slapped my arm playfully, “Behave, young lady. I do think you should go anyway.” She replied more seriously than before.

“Fine, if you want me to go.” I rolled my eyes. “It’s not for a week or so anyway.”

“Can you imagine if Harry Styles turns up?” my mum laughed.

I shook my head at her as I climbed the stairs back to my room. Thankfully, I knew that would never happen. Boys in a famous boy band don’t just go back to their old schools to see their old friends. He probably has so much money now that he doesn’t even want to see us.

Hopefully, anyway. 

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