Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Janine’s Point of View

I stared at the figures on the piece of paper in front of me, filled with dread. There was no way I could afford to pay the rent, the electricity, the water and my food bills with my salary. The apartment I shared with Ryan had been perfect for the pair of us – with our combined income we could easily afford to pay the essentials and still have money left to buy whatever we would like each month. I doubted that he had considered the impact of him leaving to move in with his boyfriend would cause me.

If something didn’t change, I would be homeless in six months.

The problem was that I completely loved my job, but I knew I would never become rich with that alone. The centre of London is one of the most expensive places to live, and with my low to average income I would not be able to afford it. I had enough for the next few months in my bank, and I knew my parents wouldn’t mind lending me some emergency cash, but they had to think about my younger siblings too.

I groaned and hid my face in my hands. If the heartache of finding out my boyfriend had been cheating on me (albeit on a boy) wasn’t enough, I now had to deal with the financial consequences. I didn’t have much choice really – I was going to have to leave the apartment and move back in with my parents, unless I found a much better paid job - and urgently.

The chances that I could get a job at all within a month or so were unlikely, let alone anything I would enjoy…but it was the most suitable thing I could do. Giving in my resignation notice would be risky, especially if I couldn’t find a job. It was either that and hope for the best, or move back to my parent’s house straight away. With a heavy heart, I stood up from the desk and reached for the phone. I really did not want to call him, but I knew that he still cared about me.

“Hello?” the voice replied, within just two rings of the phone.

“Hi Ryan, I need your help.” I sighed lightly.

“With the flat, Janine?” he asked and I raised my eyebrows in surprise. He realised and didn’t think to help me? “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think until earlier today.”  He continued and I relaxed.

“Yeah, I’ve been working stuff out and I can’t afford it on my own.” I admitted, only slightly embarrassed. He knew how much money I earned and how expensive the apartment was more than anyone else.

“Are you busy for lunch tomorrow? We need to discuss what we’re going to do. I’m sorry I just left…I knew you didn’t want me hanging around.” He told me, and I had to agree with him.

“Tomorrow lunch is fine. Meet at the Costa near the studios?” I questioned. It was a pretty informal place, and it wouldn’t bring back any memories of when we were a couple, neither would it feel like a date. I just hoped that he wouldn’t bring his boyfriend along; I’m not sure how long I’d be able to take it if he did.


I was down at work the next day, and even my boss noticed a change in attitude. As I sat alone in the studio, mindlessly changing the position of people’s hands and arms on my laptop, I could focus on nothing else but the money issue. The more I sat here at work, the more I realised I wouldn’t be able to get another job that actually used the knowledge and qualifications I had achieved in photography and editing software.

“What’s up, Janine?” my boss asked as he wandered into the studio, and handed me a mug of coffee, which I gladly accepted.  I vaguely wondered if I could shake off his worrying with a lie of being fine, but I knew that if anyone could help me get a raise – it would be him.

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