Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Janine’s Point of View

One Direction was coming to the radio station for an interview today. To be honest, it was a huge deal. They would be live on air with a camera linking straight to the website…if any of them messed up there would be a huge amount of people there to witness it. I was glad that I was only in charge of the photoshoot and cameras as it wouldn’t matter too much if I made a mistake. Even then, I wouldn’t be particularly worried.

Liam and I were childhood friends. We’d grown up together and went to the same school. Of course, as he followed his dream we talked less and less because it was impossible for us to keep in contact with him being so busy. This would be the first time we’d actually seen each other since before X Factor. That was over three years ago now. It was amazing how many things could happen in such a short amount of time…

“Janine, you have half an hour with the boys. Get some good photos.” My boss told me, walking into the studio and appraising the few cameras and props I’d set up. It would be the first time I’d been in charge of a photoshoot with more than three people, so I wasn’t entirely sure what poses I’d want them in.

“When does the interview start?” I asked, snapping a quick photo of the background to test the shutter speed.

“Between nine and ten,” he told me.  

“And when are they going to get out of hair and make-up?” I said with a smirk. Usually, it was the female singers that took their time.

“Any minute now,” my boss explained. “There were some problems with Zayn’s hair not staying up.”

I had to hold in my laughter at that, and it was just as well because the door opened and Liam walked in, followed by the rest of the boys.

“Sorry about being late…” Liam started to apologise, but caught sight of me and stopped “Janine?”

“Yeah, hi Liam. It’s been a while.” I smiled at him, “Hi boys.” I called to the rest of them as they stepped into the studio.

“Oh wow! How are you? I didn’t know you worked here.” Liam chatted to me as I gestured to the boys to come further into the room.

“I’m really good thanks. You?” I said. I thought it would be pretty awkward to be around Liam, who now was pretty much just someone I used to know, but he made me feel at ease almost immediately.

“I’m good too thanks. I’m glad you got a job in photography.” He smiled, and I was surprised that he’s remembered my love for photos.

“Thanks, I’m glad you’ve done so well since X Factor.” I replied. “Now I only have half an hour with you guys, so I wanna get some good photos to start with.” I instructed them to get into certain poses which I knew would be good for a photo with multiple people. It was clear that Liam wanted to chat to me more, but I did have my job to do. If I didn’t get good photos, I would have disappointed not only my boss and One Direction but the millions of fans they had eager to see their faces again.

I took photo after photo, intent of getting some good ones. It was strange to think how hugely famous Liam was now and that actually having One Direction in my studio was a huge honour that I didn’t want to miss. I’d become so involved in doing what I loved that I didn’t even realise what the time was until an unfamiliar girl stepped into the studio.

“Yes?” I questioned, a little irritated with the interruption. I glanced back at the boys and it was obvious that Niall knew her by the way his face suddenly lightened up into a big smile.

“Paul told me that the interview starts in about ten minutes and he wants to go through the usually stuff with you.” She said timidly, glancing between me and the boys.

I sighed and snapped one more photo of the boys before waving my hand to dismiss them. “I guess you better go then.”

The five of them moved away from the white background and reached over to grab their jackets that I’d thrown into a corner of the room. It wasn’t hard to tell how quickly Niall left the room, obviously wanted time with that pretty girl on his own. The boys registered that fact too and as soon as the door shut behind the pair of them they started sniggering.

I was carefully disconnected the different lenses I had used when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Liam holding my camera case and my jacket for me. I couldn’t help but smile at such a sweet gesture.

“Thanks Liam,” I smiled, taking it from him and fitting the lenses into their places.

“Are you living in London now?” he asked me as I zipped up the case and shifted it onto my shoulder.

“Yep, I’ve got my own place.” I replied. I’d been living with my parents up until recently. I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life. I’d enrolled at a local university but when this photographer’s job came up I realised that I didn’t want to study any longer.

“Ahh yeah, me too.” He nodded, holding the door of the studio open for me as we stepped into the corridor. “Are you busy tonight?” he asked and I froze with confusion.

“It’s just that the boys and I have another night off so we’re heading out to one of the local clubs and I wondered if you’d join us for a drink or something?” he rambled.

“Oh yeah, it would be nice to catch up.” I replied. “Can I bring Ryan too?”

“Who’s Ryan?” he asked, as we reached the others.

“My boyfriend,” I told him, lowering my voice as the presenters were doing some kind of soundcheck. Liam didn’t reply straight away and I looked at him, eyebrow raised. “Can he come too?”

“Sure, yeah.” He blinked, snapping out of whatever thought he’d lost himself in.

“Liam? Hurry up!” Paul called as the DJs switched from music to adverts.

“Umm, you know the Holmes’ club?” he asked me quickly. “Meet you there at 9?”

“Yeah, no problem. I better get back and start editing these photos.” I nodded. “See you tonight.”

“Yeah, no hug?” he mock pouted, holding out his arms. I laughed and hugged him tightly for a couple of seconds, before taking a step back.

“Liam, leave Janine alone and get your butt in here.” Zayn called and he laughed before disappearing into the recording studio.

I took a deep breath before moving.

I didn’t want this to happen.

I couldn’t fall for Liam again.

I was just getting over him. 

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