Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Elly’s Point Of View

I’d spent every day, and almost every night, with Zayn since we first met three weeks ago and to be perfectly honest, I was confused. I was confused about my feelings towards him, his feelings towards me and what we were. He has never mentioned my name to any interviews he’d has since we met – always preferring to say he was single. Then again, he hadn’t seen any other girl since we’d met, at least that’s what him and the other boys from One Direction assured me. I didn’t want a relationship. I was absolutely certain of that, but I wasn’t sure if my heart agreed with my head.

I smirked as Zayn walked out of the bathroom adjoining my bedroom in the apartment wearing just his boxers. My eyes scanned down his toned chest and I couldn’t help but lick my lips as he caught my eye and winked at me. I was pretty lucky that this beautiful creature wanted to sleep with me.

“Hey, Elly you have a–” Katy stopped short as she pushed open the door to my bedroom and was greeted by an almost naked Zayn. Her eyes shamelessly dropped down his chest and a grin replaced her shocked expression. “Whoa, sorry. I didn’t realise you stayed over last night Zayn.” She started walking back out the door but her eyes focused back onto his chest.

“Did those hurt?” she asked, pointing to the many tattoos splattered across his chest.

“Yeah, a little. They’re worth it though.” He replied glancing down at his chest.

“Ah they look good,” she smiled and I raised an eyebrow at her for that. Since when had she liked tattoos?

“Thanks, I think so.” Zayn grinned at her.

“Oh well, you guys have fun.” Katy smirked suggestively as she stepped out the door, “I’ll tell you what I was gonna say later, Elly.”

I laughed, “Nah, we’re just getting up. What is it?” I asked following her out into our large living room. Katy paused and bit her lip, immediately making me feel uneasy. Katy’s lip-biting was just a nervous habit and her top teeth were clamped down on her bottom lip more often than not – but generally not around me.

“Katy, are you okay?” I asked, starting to worry slightly. Despite Katy’s nature to put other people first, she nearly always told me when something was up.

“Yeah I’m fine it’s just that…” she paused again.

“What?” I persisted.

“There’s a message on the answer phone for you…it’s from your mum.” She finally told me.

I blinked at her. Only twice in the past five years since I’d moved out had either of my parents tried to contact me. My sister, on the other hand, had moved out a year or so before me and we kept in regular contact  

“Delete it,” I replied at once. I didn’t want anything to do with them. I did love them both, of course, but they were the ones who caused me to do drugs and a whole lot of other things I now regret. They didn’t mean to, but the constant pressure and rules they forced on me were just too much for a young teenager to have to handle.

“But-” she started but I cut her off.

“Delete it.” I repeated, turning away to walk into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes as instead of pressing the delete button, she decided to press play.  I sighed as my mum’s voice echoed around the room, she sounded confused and upset, but it was the first time I’d heard from her for half a decade.

 “Elly? I don’t know if this is the right number. I’ve been trying to reach you for years, but I’ve only just persuaded Lucy to give me your phone number. I’ve been unbelievably worried about you. I know we didn’t act right towards you at all and I’m so sorry for that. Please ring me,” and then there was a phone number.

I sighed lightly before turning to the sofa where Zayn was laying and quickly positioning myself on his now shirt-covered chest. He automatically pulled me down on top of him and kissed me lightly, obviously seeing how tense I was.

“Right, I’m off for another photoshoot.” Katy told us, “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Bye, Katy.” I yawned, watching her pick up her keys and walk across to the door. I was always slightly worried when Katy when to a photoshoot for a new company that she hadn’t modelled with before, because there were always jealous models or photographers which felt the need to bitch about her. The fact that she was one of the most famous young models around at the moment had both positive and negative impacts. It made her wanted and got her many jobs that she wouldn’t have, but it also made people have unrealistic views that she should be absolutely flawless.

“And remember, no smoking in the apartment. Either of you,” Katy called just before she shut the door and I couldn’t help but snigger. She always told me off for smoking but it was impossible for me to stop, and since I’d been with a fellow smoker I’d been having more cigarettes than normal.

“You alright babe?” Zayn asked me, stroking his hand gently through my hair.

“Mhmm,” I replied, “I’m just confused. What are we?”

His hand stopped moving through my hair and he frowned for a second. “I’m not really sure…it’s just, fun isn’t it? Not having to worry about the cameras or getting rumours in the media for cheating on someone.”

“Yeah, it is fun.” I agreed, not having to worry about being heartbroken if he decided that we should sleep together anymore was definitely a plus point. As well as getting hugs, kisses and sex pretty much whenever I wanted without having to worry about going on dates or having a messy break up. My feelings for Zayn were confused, because what we were doing obviously made us more than friends, but I didn’t want to date him. I didn’t want to date anyone.

“Should we just carry on with what we’re doing for a while? See what happens?” he asked me and I nodded. I suppose in a couple of weeks, I might feel differently about dating him.

“And now?” I asked with a smirk as I realised we were alone.

“Well now we have the whole apartment to ourselves for a couple of hours, and I have a few plans.” He grinned, spinning us over on the sofa so that his body was over mine.

“Sounds good,” I laughed as his lips pressed back to mine.

I could worry about what was going to happen with my parents, and what I was doing with Zayn later. Right now I had other things preoccupying my mind. 

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