Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Katy’s Point of View

As soon as I saw Louis’ expensive convertible pulled up outside the back of the club my stomach did a strange sort of loop. I was determined, but today would be the day that I finally got into a car again. I couldn’t travel by public transport forever. It was a stupid fear. Just because I get into a car doesn’t mean it’s going to crash. Elly stood against the open door, her arms folded. It was clear that she was resigned to me doing this, but she wasn’t convinced that I would be alright. Truthfully, neither was I.

Louis stopped me before I could open the door on the passenger side, and his hands trailed up my body to cup my face. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? I didn’t realise you haven’t been in a car since…” he trailed off, his eyes intensely searching my face.  “If I’d had known I wouldn’t have suggested it.”

“Yeah, I want to try.” I managed to say with much more confidence than I felt. “I’m sorry if I freak out or anything…”

“No need to apologise,” Louis murmured, before opening the door for me in a very gentlemanly gesture.  I slid into the front seat and blinked at the windscreen in front, my heart rate already going at double the speed. All I could picture was the glass smashing, the shards slicing through my skin like hundreds of tiny knives. All I could hear were Jack’s dying words as he attempted to press me closer to him.

Oh shit. This was a really bad idea.

I reached my arm over to click my seatbelt in place. In a poor attempt to distract myself from my thoughts, I watched intently as Louis slid into the seat next to me and placed the keys in the ignition. My heart thudded unevenly as Louis gently put his foot down on the accelerator, and the car slowly moved forwards.

My mind flew back in time.

There was an almighty smash and the car was spinning over and over, until I had no idea which way was up.

“STOP!” I screeched, one hand fumbling to release the seatbelt, while the other gripped the door handle, ready to fling it open as soon as we stopped moving. Louis immediately pushed his foot down on the brake and the car came to a halt. I jumped out and ran over to Elly, who pulled me into a tight hug. I knew her face would be in a tight frown of disapproval, she’d think that I was rushing this, trying to show off to Louis.

I squeezed my eyes shut and clung onto Elly as though doing so would stop the memories flowing back. If Louis didn’t think I was a freak enough as it was, with my poor ability to accept grief, then he certainly did now, with this post trauma fear or whatever it was .It had never been addressed professionally, and I’d hardly tried to get over it myself. I’d just kind of lived with it, accepting the fact I would never be normal.

I sighed and my eyes fluttered open at the same time I took a step back, running a hand through my hair and biting my lip with so much force I tasted blood. Big fat failure. Elly’s pursed lips and raise eyebrow clearly conveyed the unspoken ‘I told you so’ that was dancing on her lips.

I glanced behind me as I heard the slam of the door, and saw Louis walking towards us, after having re-parked his car. My face fell once more as I realised he probably wouldn’t want to spend time with a freak when he could basically choose any young woman my age to go out with.

“If he says anything, I’ll destroy his ability to reproduce.” Elly promised as she saw my worried look.

I smiled slightly at that, and murmured “It’ll be okay,” just as Louis reached us. I was surprised when he reached over to take my hand, but the comfort the action gave me was immediate.

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