Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Elly’s Point of View

“You told him everything?” I frowned, looking at Katy with disbelief. She’d never told anyone what had happened that night. Not me, not her parents, not Jack’s parents, not her doctor or her councillor. Why would she decide to tell a random guy who she’d know for a couple of months, if that?

“Yeah,” she told me without looking away from the mirror. We should have had this conversation ages ago now, the very night she’d slept with Louis. Fair enough, they did only sleep, but with Niall’s new girlfriend’s birthday party we’d all but forgotten about it.

“What the hell, Katy?” I groaned, collapsing on the end of her bed.

“I know.” She sighed softly, reaching over for the mascara. “It was stupid.”

“Yes, it was stupid! You’ve never even told me, and I respect that you don’t want to talk about it, but to discuss every detail with a member of one of the most popular boybands in the world? Are you insane?!” I asked her and my voice came out sharper than I had intended it to.

“He’s not going to tell anyone.” She murmured in defence, and I had to control my anger once again.

“But what if he does? What if he tells Harry or Zayn? What if someone else overhears him? Do you want every single newspaper and magazine to write articles about? All they know is that your boyfriend died in a car crash, which you were in. If they find out all the details, and how it affected you, they’ll have a field day.” My voice rose in volume once again, and I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

“I know.” She repeated quietly. “I just couldn’t lie to him.”

“Why not?” I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms across my chest, my eyes staring at the back of her head as she continued to apply the makeup that she never usually wore. I knew she was only wearing it because Louis was going along to the photoshoot, as they planned to have lunch together immediately afterwards.

I heard Katy made some kind of annoyed sound in her voice before she turned around to face me. “I like him, okay? I’ve finally admitted it. This is what you’ve wanted. You basically tried to set us up ever since Louis bought me that drink.” She huffed and spun around again.

“I just want you to be happy, Kat.” I sighed and collapsed back against the bed, my hands coming up to rub my eyes.

There was a moment of silence as we were both caught up in our different thoughts. The two sides of me were fighting against each other. The side which was urging Katy on to finally get another boyfriend, to move on from Jack and live her life…and then there was the protective side. That side couldn’t stand to see my best friend broken again.

“I think…I think Louis can make me happy, Elly.” Her quiet voice told me, with a tone I didn’t quite recognise. It was somewhat tentative, perhaps in awe, almost as though she never thought she’d be happy again. Almost as though she felt as though she didn’t deserve to be happy again. I knew her well enough to know that both of those things were probably true in her mind. I opened my eyes to meet her slight smile, as she span around on her stool in front of the mirror to meet my gaze.

“I haven’t felt like this…not since Jack…” she trailed off quietly, but spoke again before I could. “I didn’t think I ever would, I just couldn’t see myself with anyone else. But Louis…he’s different. It’s like he actually understands.” She admitted quietly.

My lips curved up into a small smirk. Katy had been right when she said I’d been trying to set them up. I did think that Louis would be good for her, despite his famous status. There was always going to be risks when dating someone so famous, but I felt that he was serious about her. As long as Katy could face the haters and the magazines articles, it would be fine.

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