Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Elly’s Point of View

It had been a while since we’d last seen the One Direction boys, so it was a bit of a surprise when they all burst through the door, with a nervous looking girl in tow. Of course, the security guards were more than aware of who they were so there was no problem for them getting let in. Unfortunately, neither I nor Katy knew that the guys would be here tonight so I was working behind the bar while she was lounging around in bed.

Zayn sent a smile my way as he spotted me pouring out vodka shots, and immediately left the guys to wander through the crowded dance floor. I handed over the drinks to the young women who had ordered them, before turning my attention back to the attractive singer who was leaning against the bar.

“Hello stranger,” he smirked at me. We hadn’t seen each other for about a week, as the boys had been busy with various performances around London, and that week had been the longest we’d been apart for some time.

“I’m working tonight,” I replied with the obvious, but pouted nevertheless. I knew that Katy would let me have the evening off if I wanted it – but that would make me even more unpopular with my co-workers, and I didn’t need that.

“All night?” he questioned, leaning over the bar so he could thread his fingers through mine.

“Until two,” I responded with a grimace, as I realise I still have three hours left.

“I don’t have to rush off anywhere.” Zayn reassured me, and I my expression lightened. I was just about to reply when another group of people headed over to the bar, with a sigh I told Zayn I’d see him later and encouraged him to go have fun with the others.

My attention was very much focused elsewhere while I absentmindedly poured out drink after drink. I splattered more alcohol over myself than normal, but thankfully I didn’t smash anymore glasses. I didn’t need my boss to yell at me any more than he normally did. The few times I had a moment without serving anyone, I leant against the far side of the bar and watched the One Direction boys laughing and chatting. Occasionally a girl would recognise them and ask for a photo on her phone, but generally they were left in peace.

Well, as much peace as you can get in a nightclub.

My attention was yet again distracted as I caught sight of Harry pulling a somewhat unwilling girl to the dancefloor. Raising an eyebrow as I worked, I tried to think through the photos of girls I’d seen Harry with in various magazines, but she didn’t look like any of the ones that it was rumoured he was dating. 

“Harry…” I heard her complain as they came nearer to the bar.

“Awh, Julia! Come on, please?” Harry smirked, and I watched them subtly while I gave one of my co-workers a tray of drinks to hand out to the rest of the boys who were in the VIP section. The girl who he was with, apparently called Julia, obviously decided that dancing with him wasn’t too bad and I focused once again on the various cocktails I was supposed to be making.

“Get off me!” Julia yelled, loudly enough to be clearly heard above the music. I glanced up in time to see her pull free from Harry’s arms and I gasped as she swung her hand and slapped him across the face with enough force to make him stumble backwards.

The other One Direction members burst into laughter, as Harry’s face flamed in embarrassment. “Julia, sorry I –” he started off, but the girl had already stepped away. I watched with a raised eyebrow as he ran after, before turning my gaze to meet Zayn’s eyes, he too seemed to be in a mixture of amusement and confusion.

“Go on, Elly.” My boss surprised me, “I know your boyfriend’s here, take the rest of the evening off.”

I turned to him, wondering whether he was joking. “Really?” I questioned, not bothering to correct him. I’d rather my boss thought I was dating Zayn than explain the details of our relationship. I doubt anyone who didn’t understand us would approve.

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