Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Katy’s Point of View

I groaned as my phone went off much earlier than I would have liked. I glanced at the time on my phone and groaned again as it showed only half ten. Usually, that would have been a pretty pleasant time to get up, but not today.

Louis and I had been dancing together pretty much all night.  I didn’t know what I was feeling towards him. I’d tried to control myself. I hadn’t bought an alcoholic drink and I’d made it clear that all I wanted to do yesterday evening was to chat. Luckily, Louis had thought the same and, despite the fact we only talked, it had been far from boring. There was so much that I didn’t know about Louis, even though I’d read his autobiography. We chatted about all kinds of things: his career, his sisters, his mum and we spent a long time discussing how worried he was about the divorce his parents had five or so years ago.

I did my fair share of talking too, although I stayed clear of any topics which could be considered ‘romantic’. I talked about my modelling, my parents, the fact that I was an only child and most of all how strange it was to own a huge range of clubs. If it hadn’t been for Elly, we would have had a perfectly safe night.

I didn’t see where she’d gone around midnight, but both she and Zayn disappeared so I assumed they’d gone back to his apartment. Of course, I didn’t realise that at the time and Louis and I had got so involved into dancing that we didn’t stop until Liam came over to say that it was time to leave.

I blinked, blurry-eyed, at my phone, trying to press the right button to accept the call. “Hello?” I yawned.

“Katy, love, you have to be here in two hours.” The voice of my stylist made me jump out of bed.

“Seriously?” I complained, rubbing my eyes and pulling at my messed up hair. “I haven’t even taken my make up off from last night.”

“Yeah, Elly told me you might forget. And oohhhh! What were you doing last night, babe?” he asked, obviously wondering.

“Nothing interesting,” I replied reluctantly.

“Oh really, sweetheart?” he laughed. “You don’t often wear make-up when you’re not at a photoshoot.”

“Mmm,” I replied neutrally, combing my hair with one hand and holding my iPhone with the other.

“He must be special.”  

“Yeah he –” I stopped myself just in time.

“Ohhhh! You better tell me all about it sweets, when you get here.” I could almost hear his smile through the phone. “I’m so happy for you; it’s been a long time since Jack –”

“Stop.” I cut him off at once, my eyes filling with guilty tears.

He paused for second, perhaps hearing the change in my voice. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I sniffed, “I better get ready. Thanks for calling. I would have missed it otherwise.”

“No problem, see you in a few sweetheart.”

As soon as I pressed the end call button I let the tears fall. The past three days had been some of the worst I’d had for years. I didn’t know what was causing it. I’d never handled the grief well. It felt as though a part of me had been ripped away, as though I was living with only half a heart. There had been more than a few times when I’d thought about ending my life to be with Jack.

I’d never spoken to anyone about that evening. Not to my mum, my dad, my doctor, my councillor, not even to Elly. At the time it had all been too painful and fresh in my mind. Now it would bring back too many of the terrible, terrible memories I have. I’d told the police a couple of details at the man’s trial, and he’d been sentenced for manslaughter, but no-one has ever heard me speak about that horrible evening other than the few words I mumbled then.

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