Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ella’s Point of View

I stared at the C on my Geography paper and couldn’t help the dismayed little gasp that slipped out from between my lips. True, it was still a pass and I knew I should have been happier than I was…but this was the lowest grade I’d ever got in Geography before. I flipped through the exam paper and frowned at some of the questions I’d got wrong. Most of these I read and kicked myself over, I knew the answers to loads of them, and I’d just made silly mistakes.

“Quite a slip down on grades, Ella.” My teacher commented, as she paused on her way back to her desk. I nodded miserably and frowned at the paper in front of me. “Problems concentrating?” she questioned with a raise of one perfectly shaped eyebrow.

I tilted my head to one side as I considered my answer. I hadn’t really thought about it before, but it was true. Ever since my parents had banned me from having any contact with Niall or the rest of the band, my mind had little time to dwell on anything other than what those five boys would be doing. We’d texted a couple of times most days, but he hadn’t invited me over for pizza again or asked to meet up at all – which I was a little disappointed about. I wouldn’t have liked to go against what my parents wanted that much, but I felt as though I was receiving mixed messages. I know we hadn’t kissed or anything, and it could just been seen that we were friends – but going round his felt much more like a date than anything else.

I blinked a couple of times to clear my thoughts and nodded in response to my teacher’s question. “Yes, busy at home.” I replied, which was pretty honest on my part.

“Hmm.” My teacher replied. It was clear she didn’t think that was a good enough excuse for not doing as well as usual on my exam. She moved onwards to sit back down behind her desk, and continued teaching as my mind kept on wandering back to the ‘C’ on my test paper. My parents wouldn’t be too bothered about my drop in grades, but if it continued at this level they would become a little concerned.

With a sigh I forced myself to turn my concentration away from my exam, and away from One Direction. I’d never had a proper long-term relationship with a boy before, but I could see what all my girly friends were saying about boys being so ‘confusing’. I didn’t understand why he’d pretty much ignored me, even since inviting me over to his apartment. We’d held hands, he’d put his arm around me, he’d met me from college, all of which seemed to cross the line between ‘friend’ and ‘girlfriend’.  I shook my head and stuffed my books inside my bag angrily, as the bell signifying the end of the lesson rang around the room.

I had no more lessons on my timetable for the rest of the day so I wandered out of the school with a sigh. Usually I would have met up with one of my friends and we would have driven or caught the bus into town, but the problem with having a free period meant that the majority of the others were still working.

The familiar buzz of my phone made me pause on the way to the student car park. I raised an eyebrow and searched into my bag, pressing the accept-call-button without having time to check the ID.

“Hey Ella!” a male voice spoke with an unmistakable Irish accent.

“Hi Niall,” I replied with a tight smile, completely unsure where this conversation was going. I kept walking towards my car, twisting my car keys around my fingers as I made my way through the car park.

“I was wondering, are you doing anything Friday night?” he asked and my heart quickened in response to the suggestive question.

“Nothing, why?” I replied, unlocking my car and opening the door with my spare hand, the one that wasn’t holding the phone to my ear.

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