Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Katy’s Point of View

Tears streamed down my face as I gazed upon the slab of granite where Jack lay buried under metres of earth. I felt my legs collapse under me and my head lent gently against his grave.  My shaking hand reached out until I touched the cold stone, my finger automatically traced the shape of his name. His gravestone was still in perfect condition, despite being over three years old now. There was no lichen, moss or other plants growing around it that thrived on most of the gravestones in the graveyard. I ensured, along with his parents, that his grave was kept in perfect condition.

“Why did you have to leave me?” I whispered, my voice trembling with the sobs which threatened to overpower me. I’d been supressing the urge to visit Jack again since I first met Louis and my feelings towards him became more than a little confused. I’d fought it off, knowing that I would be made too emotional by the overwhelming surge of memories which always accompanied a trip to his grave.

Today was no exception.

The total helplessness and panic that had ran though me as I watched him die bubbled up to the surface again, along with such a sharp surge of guilt so strong that it felt like a physical pain. It wasn’t fair. Why did this have to happen to my perfect Jack? He should have lived until he was 80, 90 years old. Not just 18. His life had barely started.  

It took me a long while before I could pull myself together enough to make my way back home. It wouldn’t do to get lost on the tube after spending nearly my entire life in or around London. As it was, the makeup I had been wearing for my photoshoot earlier that day had run all down my face and I looked a complete wreck. I was looking forward to going home and curling up in my bed with nothing to worry me.


“Katy?” Elly called, as I opened the door to the apartment.

“Hiya,” I replied, my voice still shaky despite the ten minute tube ride I had to calm myself down. I walked into the kitchen to see her in her work uniform. “Early shift tonight?” I asked quickly before she could question my red eyes. It was only just five, and being summer the club wouldn’t open for an hour or so.

“Yeah, and you’re coming down with me.” She told me, obviously not oblivious to where I’d just been.

“No, Elly, I’m not.” I sighed, unpinning my hair from the messy bun I’d hurriedly put it in after my shoot.

She put her hands on her hips and half glared at me. “You’re either coming down to the club with me or I’m sending you to your parents. Moping around here by yourself is not going to help at all.” I pouted at her, but she didn’t budge.

“Fine, let me find something to wear,” I groaned in defeat as Elly grinned.

It took me half an hour or so to grab something to eat and find a suitable dress which I hadn’t worn for a while. I decided upon a strapless blue dress, which was sprinkled with crystals, and had rose like twists at the bottom. Elly nodded approvingly as I came out of my bedroom.

“You ready? I have to get down or else Joe will yell at me.” She told me. I raised an eyebrow at her. I knew that Joe wouldn’t really be bothered when Elly got there, because of the fact she knew me. Some of the other employees got a little annoyed at how she was definitely favoured over the rest of them. My parents had given me the power to fire any of the workers who were inappropriate towards myself or Elly and I wasn’t afraid to use that so generally there weren’t many problems.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I sighed, picking up my matching blue bag which had my mobile in. I knew that I could amuse myself by texting various different celebrities to see who would bothering replying to me which Elly was working.

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