Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Janine’s Point of View

I’d felt really, flipping embarrassed to ask Liam for his money – but a couple of weeks later and I had happily paid off a months’ worth of bills with extra money spare, my embarrassment had all but faded. I still had my job and my apartment, and I was relatively happy. Of course, I was now single…but I was fine being an independent young woman. Or else, that’s what I kept telling myself.

It bothered me a little that what I’d had with Ryan hadn’t been real, especially as I thought we were pretty serious. Our relationship hadn’t be perfect, but I hadn’t really anticipated having to go through the whole ‘first date’ situation again. I always found that mildly awkward, especially if you didn’t know your date that well.

With a deep sigh, I turned my attention back to the computer screen. My boss had kept true to his word, and I was now in charge of editing and re-arranging the design of the website. Luckily, there was someone else to update the content and I had gained an assistant photographer, who had newly graduated, that could help with the photoshoots. I had been worried that this new job would over-work me, but so far it had no problems.

“I can’t believe I’m going to meet Adele today!” the young assistant photographer giggled to me, and I smiled at her.

“You’ll get used to hanging around celebrities after a while,” I murmured casually. It may sound slightly big-headed but it was true; it was all part of the job.

“Do you get invited to any parties with celebrities?” she asked, obviously intrigued.

I laughed lightly, clicking the save button on the document I was working on and leaning back against the chair to meet her gaze. “Occasionally. I get invites for coffee more often. You know, Liam Payne?”

“Oh my god! Are you dating him?” she squealed, her hands moving upwards to cover her mouth.

“Oh, hell no!” I laughed once more, considering that very prospect.

“Ouch,” a male voice murmured from behind me.

Horrified, I span around to see Liam standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face. I blinked for a couple of seconds in shock to see him actually here yet again. Surely a world famous boyband goes to more interviews than the one radio station I work at?

“I don’t very much like the idea of thousands of death threats sent to me by your crazy fans,” I quickly covered myself.

“So it’s not the idea of spending time with me that you don’t like, then?” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him, conscious of my new assistant gaping at me. “Of course not, you know you’re one of my favourite boyband members,” I teased.

He laughed then, and I knew I was forgiven for my outburst of distaste. “That’s just as well. Lunch with me?” he asked with his head tilted to one side.

I felt my mouth drop open in surprise my expression going blank in confusion. “Sure,” I shrugged, wondering whether he had decided that he couldn’t help pay for my apartment anymore. “But I’ll have to be back early, got to take some photos.” I explained, trying to remain casual.

“That’s not a problem,” he smiled easily, and it made me wonder what on earth was going through his head to make him want to spend time with me on an almost regular basis.

“Oh, this is Amy.” I waved over to my assistant before standing up, knowing that she would kill me if I didn’t introduce her. “I’m pretty sure you’ll recognise Liam,” I smirked at her, noticing how her jaw was dropped and she looked as though she wouldn’t be able to speak.

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