Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Ella’s Point of View

“So, have you heard the news?” Anna asked, as she dropped her bag onto the table where my friends and I were sitting for lunch. She looked strangely excited, especially considering it was tipping it down with rain and I knew she still had a double lesson of Biology before she could go home for the day.

“Nope. What’s up?” I asked, flicking through my geography notes as I ate.

“Niall broke up with his girlfriend.” She murmured to me, raising her eyebrows in a very significant manner. Out of all the things I thought she was going to say…that was not one of them. I froze, wondering what that could mean to me. If he didn’t have a girlfriend, surely Niall would want to spend more time with me? Maybe, we could actually be together like I thought we were going to be?

No, no. That wouldn’t happen.

I thought I’d got my fangirl side of me under control, but maybe not. Either that or I was just a very wishful thinker. In fact, when I was around Harry I was pretty proud of how controlled I had managed to be. The hugely embarrassing moment when my parents had someone stumbled into Katy’s club where I’d been invited to by Harry himself, had ended up with the two of us hiding in a storage room for over half an hour. In that time, it had felt like I was just talking to a friend and not a famous boyband member. It had been strange – but nice.

Thankfully, my parents hadn’t known I was there. When I’d seen them later that night, they just ended up discussing how stupid they’d been to pay attention to their friend’s recommendation, and go to the club which was completely unsuitable for their kind of night out.

“How do you know?” I questioned her previous statement about his breakup. I tried to look as though that information didn’t faze me in the slightest. I’m sure I completely failed in that respect. Niall broken up with his bitch of a girlfriend. Niall single. Niall being friendly to me again. Yes, it fazed and excited me.

“It’s all over twitter, and apparently there’s an article in a couple of the tabloid newspapers…but I haven’t seen them.” Anna commented, getting out her own lunch. She glanced across the table at me with a smirk, but I just rolled my eyes in response.

“I don’t think it makes much difference.” I ended up replying, turning my attention back to my notes in front of me. Anna sighed, and pulled the paper from my grasp. “Oi!”

“Come on. Of course it matters. This is the Niall Horan that was asking you to meet up with him so often you had to pretend you were doing study sessions with me. He likes you; the other girl just scared him into dating her.” Anna insisted, and I shrugged – unsure whether that was true or not.

“Text him.” She ordered, and I narrowed my eyes at him. “Do it!”

“What would I say?” I sighed, pulling my phone out of my bag. I wasn’t going to agree to send one to him, but I knew Anna wasn’t going to shut up unless I did as she told me. Now, that made her think for a second. Tilting her head to one side, she continued to chew the sandwich she had bitten into, before snapping her fingers excitedly.

“I know! Just say…’I’m so sorry that you and your bitch of a girlfriend broke up, I hope you’re okay’.” Anna told me cheerfully, and I rolled my eyes at her insult. I’m sure she wasn’t really a bitch…she just forced Niall into a relationship that it was clear that he hadn’t wanted. And insulted me, and tried to humiliate me.

Actually, yes. Yes she is a bitch.

Scrolling through the contacts on my phone, I found Niall’s number and selected it. Anna smirked as I absentmindedly stared at the screen, unsure what to actually write. Somehow, you’ve always been my favourite member and I love you so much didn’t seem to be particularly appropriate. That wasn’t exactly true anymore. I didn’t just view Niall as a famous boyband member, I now felt I knew him as a person, and that helped to quell my star-stuck feelings.

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