Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Ella’s Point of View

Surprisingly, I grew closer and closer to Harry, ever since that party where he’d asked me to dance with him. We’d exchanged mobile numbers, and been in contact much more frequently than I had been with Niall, in fact he’d all but seemed to have forgotten about me now that he had a girlfriend.

I was slowly adjusting to the fact that I’d been awoken from my dream with an earth-shattering crash, and perfectly clear vision – opposed to the pink fog of awe that had hung over me whenever I had been with Niall before. I was seeing him less and less as the perfect boyband member, and more and more as an ordinary guy, with just as many flaws and weaknesses as the next person.

It wasn’t easy for me, to get over that. I understand why people say you should never meet your role models, because they might not be the person you thought they were. That isn’t quite true here. Niall is still the happy-go-lucky, carefree, talented lad that I’d always assumed he was, but I had learnt that he was not immune to boy syndrome.

If this condition was in a dictionary, the definition would read something like this:

Boy syndrome: the lack of ability to resist the advances of other girls, while not strictly single.

I should have expected it, really. One of the most famous current boybands in the world has huge amounts of girls dropping at their feet, and it must be difficult for them to ignore all their beautiful bodies, and beautiful faces.

I was proud of myself, in a way. I’d managed to control my screaming, and fangirling, and recently it hardly bothered me at all. Obviously, it was one of the most amazing feelings to pick up my phone and see a text from Harry, but once you’ve seen his name flash up twenty times or so, the incredible feeling lessens. That’s exactly the same with meeting them.

I remember the first time I met them, which must be a couple of months ago now, and how I could barely speak without making a fool of myself. I still fumble over my words every so often while in their company, but it’s easy to forget who you’re with when we’re just in a night club, or a restaurant.

“It’s so nice of Katy to let me in, couldn’t she get in trouble if anyone finds out I’m underage?” I asked Harry, as we sat together in the area of the club which had now been reserved almost constantly for the One Direction boys.

“Yeah, she probably could, but the police would never really care about one person drinking underage.” He shrugged; taking a sip from the bottle of cider he had open on the small table beside our sofas. “It’s not as if you’re 15 or anything,” he clarified, which was entirely true. I only had a matter of months until I reached 18, and although I was breaking both the law and my parents rules by being here, neither of them were likely to find out.

“Yeah,” I murmured in reply, more to myself than anything. My parents threat of ‘not being allowed to see Niall or else’ still stood, as far as I was aware, but they hadn’t pestered me anymore. Probably because I was no longer seeing Niall for more than  a couple of minutes at a time now, just whenever the other boys, and especially Harry, invited me to go out with them for the evening. Anyway, Niall was always with his girlfriend. She seemed to always be clinging to one arm or the other.

Of course, they had no idea where I actually was. I’d convinced them I’d been having regular evening study sessions with Anna, who had been happy to carry on covering for me. In fact, my grades in  geography and in each of my other subjects, had returned to their normal level of straight As, as I spent  less time worrying over what Niall was doing and thinking, and more time focusing in class.

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