Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Julia’s Point of View

I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the picture on the front of my mum’s magazine as I sat on the underground train. Liam and ‘a mysterious girl’ had been shut in a lift for over two hours earlier this week and a photo had been taken as they emerged – it wasn’t particularly flattering of either of them.

Shutting the magazine, and shoving it into my bag - I quickly pushed my way out of the overcrowded train as it pulled up towards the station which Harry said I should get off at. I still couldn’t quite believe I was doing this. I had been glad to get rid of him when we left school, got pissed off at the amount of girls screaming his name and instead of avoiding him completely I was voluntarily spending more time with him. I suppose my curiosity had got the better of me. How exactly did Harry expect me to sudden like him again?

I climbed up the escalators to the exit of the underground station, where Harry had told me he’d be waiting in his black jeep. I could understand this secrecy. I’d seen some of the outrageous magazine and newspaper articles about him and I knew that the media would try and make a harmless outing into some kind of romantic date.

I pushed through the abundance of people and walked down the back street of a dodgy looking side road. With an eyebrow raised I peered around the corner to see the black jeep that Harry had told me he’d be driving. The front seat next to the driver’s was open and I jumped in and shut the door behind me.

“Hiya, Julia.” He smiled at me, and drove back onto the main road.

“Hi Harry.” I replied, looking at the road ahead. I knew this was going to be hugely awkward. I didn’t understand why he was so insistent to get me to like him. Harry had always been a player and hugely big-headed. I knew that the fame he was receiving would only have made both of those qualities worse. I sighed quietly and leant back against the chair seat, my eyes focusing on the red light in front of us.

“I’m sorry, but I have a charity event today.” Harry murmured to me apologetically. “I was wondering if you’d mind coming along?” he asked uncertainly.

“Sure,” I replied at once, relieved that we’d be around other people. It would certainly reduce any awkwardness – as long as the media didn’t make this isn’t some kind of relationship. “Where are we going?”

“Great Ormonds Street Hospital, we’re meeting some of the seriously ill children there.” He explained, turning right at the next junction. “It was a very last minute arrangement, and most of the boys were free so I couldn’t exactly turn it down. Sorry, but I know how important this is to some of the kids there.”

I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at how concerned he seemed. I’d presumed that, being a young man, he would shy away from babies and children like the majority seemed to do.  It was sweet that he’d decided to go to the hospital despite the fact he’d already made plans with me and my respect for him had increased – slightly, at least.

“It’s no problem, I get it.” I replied, as the car pulled into a small alleyway which didn’t seem to be near the hospital. I frowned as Harry reversed neatly into one of the car park spaces along the side of the road. It was clear that we’d be getting out here. Of course, I had no idea where ‘here’ was.

“We’re just meeting the other guys here. Hopefully you won’t find it too awkward.” Harry told me as he got out of car. I copied him and walked round the front to stand closer to him. Despite the fact I would hardly consider the boy who I’d greatly disliked for years ‘my friend’ I felt safer in this dark alleyway being nearer him. Especially in the centre of London.

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