Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Elly's Point Of View

“Hurry up, Katy!” I called, impatient to get down to the club. Zayn said he’d be here tonight, despite the fact he’d had an interview on a radio station early this morning. I heard her mumble something from her room and I didn’t need to hear her voice to know she’d been crying.

I sighed and knocked gently on her door, before stepping into the room. “Katy.” I sighed again, seeing her curled up in the middle of her bed. At once I climbed over to her and wrapped my arms around her. “What started it this time?” I asked her, gently stroking her hair and comforting her as well as I could.

“Well, last night I met this guy and –” she started but I cut her off.

“Wait what, you met a guy?” I couldn’t help the smirk that spread across my face. Katy hadn’t been with anyone since Jack had died, and I had been more than a little worried about her. I knew she was starting to get over her grief, but it have been years.

“Yeah,” she confirmed, “And he bought me a couple of drinks and we danced and…” she burst into tears again.

I shook my head, completely confused. “Why is that bad?”           

“Because...” she sniffed, “Jack and I…” she couldn’t finish her sentence before the tears started again.

“Katy.” I rolled my eyes at her. “Honey, you can dance with a guy, hell you can get married to one. Jack’s…gone. It’s not cheating on him or anything.”

“I know but…” she bit her lip and wiped away her tears.

“I understand.” I answered. I’d spent enough time with her to know that she loved Jack. I knew that they would have been the kind of couple that would stay together, get married and grow old together…but that wasn’t to be. “Who is it, anyway?” I asked, trying to cheer her up.

“Louis Tomlinson.” She whispered.

I stared at her, wondering for a second if she was joking. “Seriously?”

The chances of me having a one night stand with Zayn (which might turn into a two night stand if we ever got out of the apartment) and then my best friend dancing with another member of One Direction were so small.

“Yeah. I know, it’s crazy that he’s so famous and everything. ” she murmured. “Especially as you and Zayn were together last night.”

“It’s not serious, though.” I clarified quickly; I wasn’t looking for a relationship. I didn’t think a relationship was worth the inevitable heartbreak. If our relationship didn’t end awfully, something would happen to destroy me, like it had to Katy. I just knew it .

“Oh Louis is going to propose to me tonight.” Katy muttered sarcastically and I knew she was over the sudden outburst of tears. I smiled at her and tugged at her hand, encouraging her to get out of her curled position.

“Give me two minutes, I need to do my make-up again.” She said, scrambling up and straightening out her vivid blue cocktail dress. I recognised the dress as being one of her favourites, but she rarely wore it saying that she didn’t want to get it ruined. Her parents had bought it for her as a birthday present one year, and the jewels around the rather low neckline were real diamonds. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What?” she asked, seeing my expression.

“Any particular reason why you’re wearing this dress?” I said with a smirk.

“Go away,” she smiled playfully, her cheeks turning pink. She actually blushed.

Right I decided as I stepped out of the room. I’m definitely setting these two up tonight.

Katy didn’t take long to fix her make-up and when she came out she looked even more beautiful than usual. We went down to the club together and sure enough, all five boys of One Direction were seated near the bar, with another unfamiliar guy and a pretty girl who seemed to be together.

“Hey baby,” Zayn smiled as we approached and got up to hug me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis and Katy do the same. This was not the Katy I knew. The girl I knew had hidden from guys as if they all had the plague.

 “Hiya, how did the interview go?” I asked him as we took a step back.

“It was fine, the questions were pretty boring though.” He shrugged, “But anyway, meet the rest of the guys.” He turned so we were facing everyone. I recognised all of One Direction from the posters we had in the apartment, I’d looked at it today just so I knew all of them. “Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry.” He reeled off, and they all waved at me.

“Oh we’ve all heard about you,” Louis smirked across at me from where he and Katy were sitting together.

I grinned back at him, “Oh really? Can’t say I know anything about any of you…at all. I mean, it’s not like you’re in a band or anything.”

The boys laughed and Zayn sat down on the last available space before curling his arms around my waist and pulling me onto his lap.

“Oh um yeah guys, this is Janine and her boyfriend Ryan.” Liam introduced us to the two strangers and we all said hello.

I kept an eye on Louis and Katy for most of the evening and I was disappointed that they only seemed to chat. Neither of them had alcoholic drinks though, so that was probably why they were being more restrained than yesterday. The same couldn’t be said for Zayn and I though, we’d only got through three drinks before we were up on the dance floor.

“Hang on a second, baby,” I murmured, untangling myself from Zayn’s arms and grabbing his hand instead. “I wanna speak to Katy.”

“Hmm, okay. I’ll get another drink for us.” he smiled. I was just turning away when he spun me around and kissed me long enough for me to forget what I was going to do. “I’ll be quick,” he smirked, before letting me go.

 “Katy, Katy, Katy.” I chanted, despite the fact I’d only had three drinks I was more than a little bit ‘happy’. They had been pretty strong.

“Hey Elly, are you alright?” She said with a smile.

“You two need to dance. Now.” I ordered. I saw them exchange an amused look before I pulled them both up from the large sofa-like seats and pushed them towards the dance floor.

“You’ve very bossy when you’re drunk.” Katy grinned at me.

“Heeeeeeeeey, I’m not drunk.” I complained. “Now dance.”

I nodded approvingly as Louis’ arm slipped around her waist and pulled Katy towards him so that their faces were almost touching. Even in the semi-darkness of the club I could see her blush and I shook my head with amusement. It was clear that they really liked each other, even if neither of them wanted to admit it.

“Can I have you back now?” Zayn’s voice murmured in my ear as he came up to me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing our bodies together.

“Mmhmm, I’m all yours.” I replied, spinning around so out lips were only inches apart. Immediately he reached in to close the distance, his hands moving down to grab my hips.

“Wanna stay at my place tonight?” he asked as he pulled back

“Sure,” I agreed, “But come back here I haven’t finished kissing you yet.”

Zayn grinned as I entwined my fingers into his hair and pressed our lips together again. I may not be looking for a relationship, but Zayn was a lot of fun. 

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