Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ella’s Point of View

It was far too early to be up and if it wasn’t for One Direction there would be no way I would be awake yet, let alone dressed and outside a hotel. I wasn’t sure that the boys would even be here. Apparently, their apartments were being redecorated so they were staying at this local hotel. I’d seen pictures of Louis and Niall at a club very late last night but I knew they’d be up early today as they had a couple of interviews planned.

There were only about twenty fans up this early, so I was right at the barrier which separated us from the hotel doors. To say I was a little excited was a huge understatement. I’d been fans of One Direction since they were first put together at bootcamp and despite the fact that I lived only half an hour away from central London, this would be the first time that I’d met them. If they were really here.

The door of the hotel opened and I didn’t really pay it much thought. People were going in and out of it all morning and it wasn’t until the screaming started did I even look up. My jaw dropped as the boys walked out. These were four of the boys I had spent the last three, four years obsessing over and they were literally within touching distance. Louis looked completely exhausted and more than a little hung over so I wasn’t exactly surprised when he walked straight past us all with a small wave and into the car.

The girls all around me were screaming and pushing me into the barrier but I couldn’t let out a sound.  I was speechless. Seeing One Direction after all this time…it was an indescribable feeling.

“Want me to sign this for you, babe?” Liam asked me as he saw the poster I was holding.

It took me a second before I could get my mouth to work. “Oh my god, Liam, yes please thank you.” I gabbled handing the picture of the boys to him. “I love you so much,” I whispered shyly as he signed it.

“Aww, I love you too.” He said with a grin before turning to the girl next to me.

“Where’s Zayn?” a couple of girls shouted. I’d noticed his absence immediately, but I’d thought he was still inside. The doors of the hotel were closing however, and security was moving closer to the car so it didn’t seem like that was the case.

Harry sniggered from the left of me as he worked his way down the line of girls waiting for autographs and pictures. Niall and he had almost reached me and I clearly heard his words as he answered the girls that had asked the question. “He stayed over at a umm… friend’s  house last night. We’re gonna pick him up on the way to the studio. Hi babe,” he said to me with a wink as he signed my poster.

Yet again, the ability to speak momentarily left me. “Oh my gosh Harry you’re even more gorgeous up close.” I managed to squeak out. He laughed lightly and brushed his fingers against the back of my hand.

“You’re not too bad yourself,” he whispered with smirk as he moved past me.

As much as I loved all the boys, I couldn’t deny that Niall was my all-time favourite. There was just something about his laugh, his accent and his amazing happy-go-lucky personality that got me. I would do pretty much anything for that young man.

“Niall!” I called, feeling tears fill up in my eyes as he came ever closer to me.

“Hello! What’s your name?” he said with one of his ovary-destroying smiles.

“Ella,” I told him, tears threatening to overflow. “I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you. I can’t put into words how much you mean to me…”

“Aww Ella that’s so nice, come here.” He replied, balancing the coffee he had been sipping from on one of the fence posts and opening his arms. I reached over the barrier and embraced him so tightly that I was slightly surprised he could still breathe. I was hugging Niall Horan. I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to support myself on my wobbling legs.

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