76. Yu Dao And Spies

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Third POV

Katara is resting her head on Aang's shoulder, holding hands. Meanwhile Sokka, Yozora and Toph are resting against the rolled up sleeping mat stored on which Momo is sleeping.

Ookami flew next to Appa, chirping happily at his friend. While Sokka watches the couple in front of him with a bored expression, Toph is picking her nose. Yozora however had her back at the group, holding her betrothal necklace in her hand.

"Ugh." Sokka groaned, annoyed.

Toph glared at him, making him stop throwing angry looks at Katara and Aang being lovey dovey. "What? Everybody does it!" Toph protested, thinking that he was groaning at her for picking her nose.

"I was talking about them, not y—" Sokka noticed Toph picking her nose, his expression morphs to one of disgust. "Oh. You, too."

At the Beifong Metalbending Academy~

Toph stands up and looks over the valley toward her school.

"Well, it's been fun, guys, but I gotta get back to my school." she said.

Katara looked sad, "Leaving already, Toph?" she asked. Toph nodded, "Yeah. Someone's gotta keep the lily livers – I mean, my students in line."

Sokka laid flat on the saddle, tugging on Toph's pants to get her attention; whispering, "Wait! You can't leave me alone with them! The oogie-osity's only gonna get worse after you're gone! How am I supposed to keep my food down?!"

"Well, you could come with me." Toph said simply.

Sokka gasped, "No, no. Hey! How about I go with you?"

"Great idea, Sokka. Wish I'd thought of it." Toph said sarcastically.

Sokka looked at the group, "Yozora? Katara? Aang? I'm going with Toph. To check out her school, not because you two are giving me the oogies or anything."

Katara smirked, "Hm? Oh! That sounds good! We'll pick you up on the way back from Ba Sing Se."

"Hold on, guys! Just give Appa a second to land!" Aang said. Toph pushed it off, "Don't bother, Twinkle Toes. We're close enough to the ground. Sniff I can smell the trees near my school. Come on!" she said as she grabbed's wrist and jumps off of Appa.

"Hey, isn't that the hand you used to pick your- ?"

They both start to fall through the air.


Toph lets go of Sokka to bend the earth below them. "I gotta let go of you, but don't worry!"

"I'm worried! I'm worried!" Sokka yelled.

Toph earthbends an earth slide to guide Sokka and herself to the ground; while she surfs down the slide on her feet, Sokka roughly landed at its top on his back and glides down uncontrollably.


Staring down at the scene, the brunette cringed at his painful oof when he fell on his back and flinched. "Yeah— we're just gonna ignore Sokka, right?" Yozora said worriedly.

Katara waved her off, "Pshh, it's fine. Toph will take care of everything." she said coolly.

Back at the Official Avatar Aang Fan Club's headquarters~

"... And this is a technique called air scooter!" Aang grinned, showing off. "I invented it when I was training at the Southern Air Temple. It's part of how I earned my tattoos." he said proudly.

"Look at him go!" a girl squealed.

"Wow!" another girl gaped.

"How does he do that?" few girls whispered to each other while giggling.

"Avatar Aang is sooo dreamy!" they all swayed.

Katara looks annoyed as Aang gets too much attention while Yozora was in her room, meditating a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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