55. Hama II

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Yozora's POV

"I-uh..." I stammered, keeping my head low. Ever since the accident I haven't felt the connection that held Aang and I together. "I... I don't know...."

"Yozora. You must figure out a way to reach Aang. You must protect him. Or you'll fail again..." Avatar Roku's voice became even more distant as his voice ringed inside my head.

You'll fail again...

I felt a harsh shake and flinched back to see my bodyguard, Lee. "Oh. It's you." I let out a sigh of relief.

"You're crying." Lee said with concern in his voice.

I was shocked to say the least and quickly wiped them away and fixed my throat, "I didn't notice."

I turned to him coldly, "So what do you want?"

"We'll be leaving early in the morning. Maids will be taking care of your clothes." he said, returning back to his cold monotone voice. I nodded and dismissed him.

A hint of smelly aroma filled the room as I sniffed the air. I sniffed myself ad gagged,"I really should take a bath..." I told myself.

"Maybe a hot spring would be nice. It's been a while since I last took care of myself." I sighed as I grabbed a robe and called a maid.

"You called, your highness?" she squeaked, her voice shaking in fear and kept her head low.

"Yes, I did. And don't bow that low at my presence. It makes me a little sick." I said. She flinched and nodded quickly.

"I-I'm sorry, princess. I was once the fire princess's maid and it's almost like a habit." she got back to her posture.

I raised an eyebrow at her and she gasped at what she just said. "I'm so sorry, princess! I didn't mean to say bad about the great fire princess! Forgive me!!" she kneeled in front of me.

"Hey, hey! It's alright." I bent down to her level and brought her back up, giving her a small smile. "I think Azula's pretty cruel too." I agreed.

She let out another sigh and gave me a smile, "How shall I help you, Princess Yozora?"

"Could you wash my clothes, please? I'm going to a hot spring." I told her. "And that would be all."

She nodded and took the basket of dirty clothes and excused herself.


"Ahh!! This is heaven!" I let out a sigh as my feet touched the hot water. I let the robe drop on the tiled floor as I laid back to the edge of the hot spring.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps come towards me and I looked over to see Azula in her bath robes. "Greetings, Yozora." she smirked as she joined me in the hot spring.

"Hello to you too, Azula." I nodded as I closed my eyes.

"I spoke to my father earlier today. And he wanted to talk to you before you leave for your little trip." her voice was heard.

"Oh? Did he mention what was it about?" I asked.

"It's about the wedding." she said almost as she was disgusted by the word. She scooted over to me and was shocked with my so calm face.

"Why aren't you disgusted by it? You're marrying the one of the worst people on this planet!" she snarled. "And that's my brother."

"It's pretty understandable. Zuko came to my room today and told me he broke things off with Mai. Such a shame tho... They looked cute." I said shrugging.

"You're so odd, Princess Yozora." I heard her smirking. "Same goes for you, Princess Azula." I nodded and got out of the hot spring.

a day later~

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