•Clarifications on Manik's character•

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Hello my fellow readers!

Your response to this story is overwhelming and I'm so grateful to all of you.

About Manik's character and the decisions he makes, I wanted to point out a few things before you start to completely hate him.

1) He was orphaned at a very tender age and he had to look after himself for years together without anyone else's help. Similarly Cabir was in such situation which is why his insecurities of being in a relationship was also hinted in the previous chapters.

2) Manik loves Nandini but since the beginning he was never dependent on her like she was on him. And I personally wouldn't blame him for that because it's how he had to be like, his entire life, in order to survive on his own.

3) Manik and Nandini married each other in a hurry before they could discover all these shortcomings about each other and as a writer, my idea was to bring all that up and make them aware of the gravity of the choices they have made so far.

4) Individually, Manik and Nandini have been through a lot. While Nandini could open up to Manik and let him in, it has been a challenge for Manik since the beginning. I've hinted this in many plots as well.

5) Manik's character is a little hard to love and relate to because of the multiple imperfections in him. But, isn't that how people usually are? I know, as readers you don't want your favourite character to be put in a bad light but I want you to know that as a human he can make mistakes and learn from them, his entire life.

6) About Nandini's self respect being hurt, I'm with you guys because the poor thing deserves better. Manik will get his punishment and Nandini will have good things happen to her in a few more chapters.

7) Throughout the book, I've teased multiple subplots and for that I want to give them a closure.

8) Manik and Nandini have been living apart for what seems like a long time but it's important to the story and I'd ask you to keep a little faith in me.

9) Lastly, they've spent their time making mistakes and from this moment on, you'll see how they try to work their way out of them.

✨I'll ask again, please keep your faith in me. I won't let you down in the end. Ten more chapters to go and this story will be wrapped up which again will not disappoint you.✨

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