Chapter 10

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Recap: My eyes adjust to the dark and I stare down at his perfect face that is stained with tears. Wiping them away as best as I can, I brush his hair out of his face and run my fingers through it a few times. He smiles in his sleep and sighs contentedly so I continue my actions. I know how good it feels for someone to play with your hair and he needs something good now. Leaning down I press my lips gently to his forehead. "Goodnight oppa. Sweet dreams. Saranghae."
Mari's POV
        I wake the next morning feeling very warm. I'm not in my bed. I'm laying partially on top of something, or someone. Opening my eyes, I'm slightly stunned to see Chanyeol sleeping peacefully underneath me. Glancing around, the memories of last night come back to me and I sigh almost inaudibly, leaning my head back against the wall behind me. Looking down at Chanyeol again, I smile softly and gently brush his bangs out of his eyes. Unfortunately, that causes him to stir and open his eyes. I blush and awkwardly remove my hand from his forehead. "Mian hae," I mutter and he sits up, looking around. "What happened?" He asks and I frown slightly. "You mean you don't remember?" I ask and he frowns as well, thinking hard. "No, I don't. Wait a minute, did I-" He pauses for a moment. "Did I do this?" He asks in a whisper and I nod slowly, afraid of his reaction. He closes his eyes and runs his fingers through his hair, hiding his face. "I'm so embarrassed," He mutters and I shake my head. "No don't be! It wasn't your fault! But, it's just-" I break off, not sure how to ask him this. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" I ask, my voice quiet and meek. He stiffens and swallows deeply, before glancing up at me.

        "Because I'm a coward," He finally answers, leaving me thoroughly confused. "Come again?" I reply, tilting my head to the side and he shakes his head, looking away. "I can't do this," He whispers, before standing, the blanket that was thrown over us falling on top of me in a heap. "In my opinion, my-" He pauses, thinking over his words carefully. "My condition, is worse than the others. Yes, all of our, conditions, are awful, but mine, mine has a lasting effect. I mean, the simplest thing sets me off! I could just be sitting in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water, and then bam! I wake up across the room, in a pile of debris," He spits bitterly and I stand as well, but don't walk over to him. "I can't even remember what happens! All I know is whenever I wake up, someone is there, staring at me, like they're afraid, and like they don't trust me. Then they tell me that I had another episode and destroyed everything and screamed at everyone to go away and not to touch me or hurt me! I feel so stupid and pathetic. When you came, they stopped happening, so I was hopeful that they were finally gone!" He clenches his fists, lashing out and slamming them down onto the overturned mattress. I flinch slightly, waiting for him to continue, my heart breaking as a quiet sob escapes his lips.

        "I didn't," he lets out a shaky breath before continuing. "I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to see you give me the look that everyone gives me. I didn't want you to worry. And I-" He takes a deep breath, before speaking. "And I didn't want to hurt the woman I love," He says, before his eyes widen and he slaps his hand over his mouth. My heart skips a beat and I slowly approach him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He stiffens, but doesn't move, so I gently turn him around to face me. He avoids eye contact, his face red. Hesitantly, I take his face in my hands and force him to look into my eyes. "You will neverhurt me," I say in a calm, firm voice, before gathering up all of my courage and pressing my lips tightly to his. Finally.

Chanyeol's POV
        Finally. My whole body seems to scream out as I relax into the kiss and wrap my arms around Mari's waist, pulling her closer to me. Suddenly, little snippets of memories from before my episode come back to me and I pull away hastily. "We can't do this," I say, as much as it pains me to do so. Mari looks confused, and slightly hurt. "But, why not?" She asks, staring up at me with her big brown doe eyes. I flinch slightly, feeling my confidence waver. "Because, I can't do that to my best friend!" I say quickly, and she frowns. "What are you talking about?" She asks and I rake my hands through my hair, messing it up even more than it already is. "I saw you and Baekhyun, last night," I say and she furrows her eyebrows, before realization dawns on her features and she shakes her head. "No you misunderstood! Baehyun kissed me and I pushed him away. You must've left too early," She says and I shake my head. "But, he still likes you. I don't know if I could do that to him," I say and she shakes her head. "You don't get it! He's the one who made me realize that I love you too and told me to go for you!" She says and my heart stops. She loves me too? "Sorry Baek," I mutter, before slamming my lips to Mari's again. 

Baekhyun's POV
         I watch from the doorway, a small smile on my face. At least Chanyeol got his happy ending. Maybe I will as well one day. If we ever get out of, wherever the hell we are. There was someone, a long time ago, long before we ended up here. Her name was Taeyeon and I loved her with every fiber of my being. But then, she got caught up in her career and we didn't have any time for each other. The day we finally made plans, was the day I disappeared and came here. Was she missing me? Did she wonder where I was? Did she move on? I think those thoughts are what contributed to my disorder. I have a theory, that we all got these disorders because of something bad that happened, and that they're meant to make us stronger. We all have relatively sad backstories, well, sad to us, that I think contributed to our problems. I think we were brought here for a reason, and that reason was to help each other. I didn't realize it until now. We need each other, but all we do is push each other away. The guys and I proved it last night when we left Chanyeol alone to suffer, not even trying to think of an idea to help him. But Mari stayed. Mari was determined not to let us down and she promised to help us. Mari is the best, and worst thing that has happened to us. 

        Because of her, things around here are changing. We're getting better, but our situation is getting worse. I don't think anyone realizes it besides me, but things are changing. I can feel it. Something is coming.

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