Nightmare part 2

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Alison huffed and crossed her arms as Dean rang the doorbell. Sam sighed.

"This has got to be a whole new low for us." He said.

Dean smirked with a chuckle. A man then came to the door and opened it, revealing they were dressed as priests.

"Good afternoon." Dean greeted as he took his daughters hand. "I'm father Simmons. This is father freely, and my little sister, Ali." Dean introduced them.

He was not going to get the comment on how he was too young to have a kid. God knows he had had that said to him too many times.

"We're new junior priests over at St. Augustines, not her, of course!" Dean gestures to ali. "She's a part of a children's group." He explained with a smile. "May we come in?"

The guy nodded.

"Thanks." Dean said as he glanced back at his brother, then brushed past the man, pulling Ali behind him.

"We're very sorry for your loss." Sam told the man as he passed him.

"It's in difficult times like these when the lords guidance is most needed." Dean said making Alison look at him weirdly.

"Look." The guy raised his hands. "You want to pitch your whole Lord has a plan thing, fine. Don't pitch it to me. My brothers dead."

"Roger, please." A women spoke up.

Ali whined slightly as she tugged on her dress, dean gently pulled on her arm telling her to stop.

"Excuse me." The man, Roger said and walked past them.

The three Winchesters turned to look at the lady.

"I'm sorry about my brother-in-law. He's just so upset about Jim's death." She told them. "Would you like some coffee?"

"That would be great." Dean smiled.

As she walked away, Dean glanced back at Sam. He then started following the women, pulling a very moody Alison behind him.

"It was wonderful of you to stop by. The support of the church means so much right now." The women said as she gave the men their coffees.

"Of course. After all, we are all gods children." Dean said making Alison glare at him.

As soon as the lady turned, dean reached forward and grabbed one of the cocktail weenies on the tray on the table.

Sam scoffed while Alison crossed her arms.

"What?" Dean asked Sam.

"Just tone it down a little bit...father." Sam told him.

Dean set the tiny skewer back on the tray as the woman was walking back to them. She sat down beside Dean.

"So, Ms. Miller..." Dean started. "Did your husband have a history of depression?" He asked her.

"Nothing like that. We had our ups and downs like everyone, but we were happy." She said. "I just don't Jim could do something like..." she cried.

"I'm so sorry you had to find him like that." Sam apologized to her.

"Actually, our son, max..." Ms. Miller trailed off as she gestured to a boy sitting in a chair in another room. "He was the one who found him."

"Do you mind if maybe I go talk to him?" Sam asked.

"Oh. Oh, thank you, father." Ms. Miller said with a small smile.

Sam nodded then got up to go talk to max. Alison watched him then shifted her eyes to dean and ms. Miller.

Dean reached for the tissues and gave one to the woman sitting beside him.

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