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"I'm not joking, I'm actually failing. I'm gonna be the worst midwife." Lacey exclaimed from my desk.

We were in my room, studying once again. We still have two years of study before we can go into work placement.

"No you won't." I sighed, rolling onto my back in my bed and looking up to the ceiling.

I heard a crash from the lounge room and looked over to Lacey who looked equally as scared.

"What the fuck?" She mouthed struggling to get out of the chair quietly.

I cringed at every squeak it made and slowly made my way to my bedroom door. "Stay here." I said to Lacey, gently pushing her back into my room.

It was dark and I searched blindly for the kitchen, grabbing a pan.

It almost slipped from my hand. I was sweating and my heart was leaping from my chest.

I heard footsteps in front of me an scared out of my mind I through the pan at where I thought the intruder was.

I heard a groan a thump and a loud clang and raced towards light switch, in the process banging my hip against the counter.

I contained my profanities and climbed onto the counter and flicked the light on.

I looked down from my crouched position on the bench and saw Jack struggling to get up.

I screamed and jumped towards him. "Oh my god Jack. I'm so sorry. I though-"

"Yea. Sorry." He said guiltily, looking from my to the pan. "You threw a fucking frypan at me?"

I nodded slightly, studying the gash on his forehead. It was bleeding, a lot and probably needed stitches.

"Lacey! Call 911!" I yelled, helping him sit up and grabbed some paper towel.

He winced at my touch and his brown eyes clenched shut. "Sorry." I whispered, continuing to dab at his cut, but gentler.

- After ER -

Lacey had gone home after the ambulance had come for Jack.

I drove him back to our building.

"Um. Would it be too much to ask if I could stay at yours tonight?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Your apartment is literally ten steps away." I said, trying not for it to sound rude.

"I know but, Matthew is staying the night and Kylie's getting here later tonight..." He explained.

I suddenly remember Kylie telling me this.

"Um ok. But you take my bed. You need to rest." I said, unlocking my door.

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