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"So?" Jack said, from the other side of the door.

"So what?" I asked, staring at the white stick in front of me.

"What does the peestick say?"

I laughed nervously. "It hasn't worked yet."

I forced him out of the bathroom, wanting to do this myself and he sat outside, handing me cups of water and asking me ever so often how I was or what was happening.

"I think I want a baby." He said. "I mean. Hell yeah I want a kid. I wanna be a dad."

I didn't know if that comforted me. Of course I wanted kids, but is this the right time? When was the right time? Is there a right time?

Twenty four is a good age to have a kid. Right?

I was so nervous yet so excited at the same time. I felt like I would be somewhat relieved if it tested negative, but disappointed if it wasn't positive.

"Jack." I squeak, my eyes filling with tears.

He burst through the door and looked down at the pregnancy test then back to me.

"Happy tears?" He asked, taking the stick from my hand and placing it on the counter so he could hug me.

"Hell yes." I cried. He lifted me up and spun me around and pulled away, holding my face and kissed me deeply.

"I'm gonna be a dad." He whispered, before laughing the happiest laugh I have ever heard.

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