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"Okay, so the gel is going to feel a little cold at first."

I quickly looked to the clock and sighed. "I'm sorry, can we just wait a few more minutes. My husband should be here any minute." I said, knowing that Jack was caught up at the studio.

"Only five minutes, you have no idea how knocked up we are with appointments." She explained, putting the cap back on the clear gel stuff and spinning in her chair to her computer.

Three months down the track and I'm only slightly showing. Today was the day I was getting my first ultrasound, yet Jack wasn't here.

I understand that they are coming out with a new album soon and they are possibly organising a world tour, which I'm not happy about, especially at this time, but an ultrasound is a pretty big step in both Jack and Is life.

So far, we've only told family. Family including Johnson and his girlfriend, soon to be bride.

I remember it like yesterday as JJ was telling me that he only wishes to have a love as deep as Jack and ours. His love with Amanda is so deep, the ocean would be jealous.

"Okay sweetie, times up." The nurse said, walking over to me. "Don't be scared."

"I'm here!"

Both the nurse and I jumped as Jack stumbled through the door, panting and gasping for breath. "I'm here! I'm so sorry." He said, grappling my hand and sitting down in the chair next to the bed I was on.

"You haven't missed anything." The nurse muttered before blobbing the gel on my stomach.

I jumped slightly at the coldness and Jack looked to me with a reassuring, yet nervous smile. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath.

And soon after, I heard the gentle thud thud thud of our babies heart.


really short and crappy chapter im sorry.

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