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"Oh, darl, you are going to love him." Marcus was raving on and on about his new boyfriend.

I was happy for him, of course, but the only thing I was looking forward to was a toilet and a couch. We had spent the day walking around and collecting ideas for a nursery.

A few fans had approached me and said that they were happy for us and that Jack would be a great dad. He will, I know he will.

We had told them over YouTube, Johnson even yelled it out the window when we told him he was to be an uncle.

I was five months along and this thing inside me, Jack refers to he or her as Avocado as the at first ultrasound he or she was the size of just that, was showing fairly, but not big enough yet.

Marcus stilled lives in the same apartment complex and we were just walking into the building when I spotted the sign on the elevator.

Out of order.

I groaned but kept my mouth shut, meeting Margo's boyfriend was really important to him. So I trudged up the first three flights of stairs, missing the cleaning sign.

The cleaner has just been through making the white tiles on the stairs slippery.

I held onto the railing tightly, just one more flight.

But as I turned the corner I slipped face forward.

And that's when the contractions started.


I'm sorry, I really am.

Only like four more chapters left :(

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