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"Morning." I said as I entered the kitchen, seeing Sammy raiding my fridge.

"Morning." He replied, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"Hey! Guess what?" I asked, grabbing the ingredients to make pancakes.

"You and Jack had sex last night." Sammy smirked.

"Sam! That's not what I was going to say!" I said, hitting him with the whisk.

"Ow, ok ok. Did you guys use handcuffs?" He laughed.

"Samuel!" I squeaked as he threw me over his shoulder.

"So, was it your first time?" He asked smirking as I struggled to break free. No.

"Sammy put me done! I have authority over you." I said, as he hung me upside down. I'm glad I put pants on.

"Yea what?" He laughed.

"I'm older than you." I said. He looked confused and shook his head. "We are both the same age. Nineteen."


"IMMA SPEND MY MONEY!" Sam continued. "No really I'm gonna go to the mall like right now because I actually forgot." He said, running out shirtless.

I laughed to myself and started to mix the pancake mix together before I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning babe." Jack said, staying attached to me as I moved around the kitchen.

I flipped the cooking pancakes over as them flipped them all into a plate.

Jack went and woke Johnson and Sammy burst through the door just in time, grinning from ear to ear.

"Your presents back at the Jacks place," Sammy said, sitting down at the table, "I'll save it for tonight." He smirked at his little innuendo, which caused an angry glare from Jack.

I saw him kicked Sam under the table, "What kind of present are you planning Samuel?" He asked, angrily.

"I meant I'd give it to her at the din-" Johnson smacked his hand over Sams mouth to silence him.

I giggled at their little commotion, "What are you all up too?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," Jack said, reaching for my hand and holding out a birthday card, "I know it looks small, but happy birthday princess." He said.

I smiled at the little nickname and opened the card. Two plane tickets fell onto my lap and I picked them up reading: LA to Omaha 11:00am Departure. Same day return 5:30pm Omaha to LA.

"You haven't been to home for a while, you haven't a seen your dad and I thought it might be nice for a big family dinner, well lunch." Jack said, beaming his perfect smile.

Me, I was on the verge of tears. Plane tickets are so expensive, and no one had ever done something like this for me, well except the managers of the Magcon tour a few years ago, but this was more personal and this was Jack. He likes to show affection, but he's not a really deep and meaningful person. (innuendo unintended lol)

"Jack... I can't thank you enough." I manage to squeak out before tackling him into a hug.

"Oh and we leave in like an hour so..."

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