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For the second day in a row, I woke in the same bed as Jack.

I vaguely remember him carrying me to bed, after I'd woken from a nightmare on the couch.

"You called for me." Jack said, his hot breath tickling the back of my neck.

I turned to face him, still under his hold and looked at him questioningly. His brown eyes were sad and his messy hair made him seem like a vulnerable puppy.

"In your dream. You called out to me. You started crying then you stopped when I came too you. It reminded me of that night, you remember. When I came to you in the window, after our parents fought. We needed each other. We still do. Al, when you left me at the airport, I needed you most. I started smoking and drinking again. Everyone always said how much you were loving LA. How much you were loving life without me. You weren't struggling at all when I was struggling to make it a day without thinking of you. And now I'm here, ten steps away from you and you hardly want anything to do with me."

I watched a sad tear slide down his cheek as I stared at him, shocked and heartbroken at what he'd just said.

"Jack. I-"

"Save it." He said, letting go of me and getting up, walking away before I could say anything else.

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