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Jack stayed over a lot. Not in a sexual way. It was hard to tell where we stood anymore. We kissed a little sometimes, but I don't know, I wasn't official or anything.

I think fans started to suspect things as well.

"Alexis! Are you an Jack dating?" A voice chirped behind me.

Kylie and I had gone shopping, while Matt and the Jacks had a FIFA marathon.

I turned to see a girl, maybe sixteen. She was gorgeous and was somewhat familiar with almost black hair and blue eyes. I guessed she was a fan.

"No," I shook my head, "Not anymore."

She nodded, looking satisfied before spinning on her terribly high heels, looking back for a second saying in the snottiness voice I've ever heard, "Good."

"Who was that bitch?" Kylie said, holding a shirt she'd found.

"I don't know, a fan of Jacks I think."


"You can't keep doing this." I said as I felt Jack sink into the bed beside me.

"Hmm?" He asked, as I sat up he sat up with me.

"Sneaking in here. What do you think Johnson thinks?" I said, flicking on the bedside lamp.

"He knows that we don't do anything." He said, looking to me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Jack. I- I don't want you here." I stated, trying not to sound rude.

His eyes reflected only pain.

"Al- I'm sorry. I just- I. I wanted you to feel safe." He said, slowly lifting himself from my bed. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to protect you." He continued, rather rudely.

"I don't need protection." I said, standing up in front of him.

"Yes you do. What do you think would've happened last week with Taylor if I or Kylie wasn't there?" He said, his voice raising.

I never liked it when he yelled. It scared me, he became uncontrollable.

"I never asked for that. I'm capable of helping myself, I don't need someone to swoop in an save me every time."

"So you would have rather been raped than be with me?" He yelled.

I stepped back, scared.

"Jack, your twisting what I'm trying to say!" I yelled back, balling my hands at my side.

"THEN WHAT ARE TOU TRYING TO SAY! You don't love me? You never loved me? Cause if you did you wouldn't-"

"I did love you Jack! That was plain to see! You can't say that! I would have never left if I didn't love you." I said, quieter.

His face twisted into confusion and he shook his head. "What? If you loved me you would've stayed. With me."

"I did what I thought was best. For you and Johnson. Your career was just kicking off. You didn't need any distractions. The scholarship just worked out for me too. Plus I-"

"Plus? Plus what?" He asked, all the muscles on his bare chest tensing.

"Jack, I don't deserve you."

I suddenly felt insecure, in just a sports bra and pyjama shorts, being stared down by him.

"I was never the prettiest, sportiest, smartest girl. I was just that girl that fixed cars and was bullied by the cool kids."

With that I left him and walk down to my bathroom, the tears that threaten to spill being swallowed by the pride I had left.

I shut the door and turned the shower on.

Showers calmed me.

I peeled the little clothing I had on and stepped into the shower and letting the steamy water flow down my body.

After about five minutes of just standing there, I felt a hand on my back.

I jumped and looked back to see Jack.

"What are you doing?" I gasped as he stepped into the shower.

"Making sure you know that you are the most beautiful girl in the world."


I actually like Madison in real life, but in this book she is basically the girl from the fandoms perspective.

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