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My heart bleeds for you
My eyes tear in passion for your restoration
They saw your children and called them uncivilized savages
They tore your bond apart packed like sardines destined to a life of pain in a foreign land
They called it a lottery
Jamaica still recites your prayers
The blues and jazz never forgot you
They took you from your children in the name of commerce and Christianity
Monsters are real
They carry maxim guns in one hand and the
Bible on the other

They avariciously scrambled for you
They devasted your nations for 3 centuries, stole the souls you birthed leaving your economies unviable and went on to photograph the 'African child' malnutritioned sick and deadly, their creation
They showed it to the world whilst secretly looting your riches
I think you are God's favorite child hence you got the biggest trial of them all
I have seen the curses put upon you
I heard your oceans lament
Capoeira is dangerously beautiful
They ridiculed you
But I smell the hope your wind brings
I see the tomorrow your clouds promise
They still brutalize your children
Only this time they don't have whips

Your beauty surpasses your trauma
I see it in mount Nyiragongo's rage, in NamaquaLands luscious scrumbs
I feel it in your miracles like the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, I feel it in the different tongues your children speak, lord it's in the clicks
I smell it in the bubbles made when your waters met the dessert your red dunes carry life

You are beautiful still
They dug you inside out
Labelled you the land of famine
With your heart in their claws
Giza holds your intellect
Your soul is transported in each bead work done
In every beating drum
Your past weakens me and your scars wound me
I live to see your restoration

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