😋😋😋.. 🤤

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Put me on your wish list cause Christmas only comes once
Unlike the old man I like em naughty and not nice
I'm nice though, my booty applauds your thrusts
Careful, I'm addictive like shrooms
I'mma get you so high you might never want to leave the room
Correction, never wanna leave my life
Man, I swear this pussy ordained cos it pours out blessings
It doesn't get more righteous than her temple
Wait, wait, wait!
She's just the teaser
My smile is enchanted and my mind is delicious
My eyes are the type to make your ancestors roar with pride
My hazel skin makes the land shake envious of such pure gold
My physique strikes like lightning and thunder broadcasts my boldness
My voice makes the sea jealous cause not even its waves hits harmonies like I do
The eye of the tsunami can't beat my calmness
IF you were flying over tree canopies, at SpaceX or if I were a needle in a hay stack you'd never miss me
Cause Miss Mhiko is golden

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