The Other Woman

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Gate mosadi o tswara tipa mobogaleng
His cut runs deep in me carving out my joy
I hold on tight whilst my life pours out smashing the pavements
Leaving tales of the scarred
I looked in the throat of time and yearned to swallow more
But mine it wasn't

O nyeile tshepo ya gore oa nthata
So I nurtured your torched heart and renewed the replenished spark of what love is
Of what love could be

Kego ratile o nale Pala monwana
Poso ke yame
Tis her you love
Tis the love I shower you with that you compensate her with

Yes I'm the other woman
Tsola kego thabise
Nako yame ke e adimelweng
Bang twesa sebaga sa mutwa
Bang pitsa ka Ma ina ina
Yet you are excused
I cry myself to sleep with my love for you the only viable thing for sotheing
My tears dry themselves whilst you harness her with the warmth drawn from my blood

Gate ke nga lefoofa and I am labeled lonely and bitter
Who are you to judge the other women when for one male there are 11 of us seeking the same poison

We all hate and curse her
But can't she too get a taste of what life could be
He bleeds me dry to quench your thirst yet I am the enemy

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