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I walk the earth on my tens.
And script the earth on my tens
My sevens are fist shaped
because talking feelings like I'm
beating up my lyrnx to unmute.
It's like riding a bicycle with a
rusted chain, every syllable is a
No, I don't talk li, kk, kk, e, like,

My knees are so in love with each other that whenever I move they conspire against me and unite.
Every stiff and jerky step I take appears like a bow
No, I don't walk like you

A Circle is actually A trapezium.
to me
There is no sky only an endless
vacuum that keeps sucking me in
like dirt, cause I am built different

No my eyes aren't cloudy, they are misty like a dream
only I'm a nightmare to some of you,
I loom in the dark and only get to see the light when the camera flashes, on '' world cerebral palsy day' even then you fail to see just how mystical and dreamy I am
cause even on that day 'shame, awww, poor child' marathon out of you mouth
even then you miss the dream

Magenta is cerulean
And no, I'm not blind I invent
my own colour
The 5's I script earth with, have
never touched her yet speak my
tormentors language eloquently

I saw earth when it was too
It took about 8 years to stand
on it
And about 10 000 "Me's" every year
for the earth to still reject "Me" and
Cruelly sell "Me" off as disabled
And no, I'm not anxious,
headstrong nor
I'm simply of a different

I have seen "Me's" hit home runs, honour my screen, shock the stage, produce content that for the world that "Me's" don't belong in,
Cause no matter how hard "Me" can try
"Me" will always belong to the tiny box that earth's world created for "Me's"
"Me" will always be a headline cerebral palsy "Me" won an Oscar
Couldn't "Me" just win an Oscar without cerebral palsy
No I'm not disabled I'm just "Me"
Maybe with 216 bones or 198 bones
But I'm still abled
How dare you put the dis in my Abled!

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