What Am I?

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I am a beautiful creation
Sacred, kept and hidden until I surface and your face change
You hate me because I destroy you
I fuel extortion

I love the love you have for me that you hold me even when I kill you
IF you kept promise like you keep me, I'd die but I'm dearer
I am precious and yet I'm hidden
I'm a jealous lover so I daunt you with truth to have you caress me deeper

You treasure me because you fear me
So you isolate me
I love to believe you are possessive that's why you don't share me
But your kisses are shallow
I whip your smile off and your heart is heavy with me
I know some day you will expose me and I won't feel the warmth of your consciousness eating you away anymore
So I leach on whilst I still can
For I am a precious, dear creation that you hate

I believe I am beautiful that's why you cover me up in lies
But pretty hurts and I kill you
I wish you boasted about me the way you do about truth
I wish dorphins got released at the thought of me but I'm stuck with anxiety instead
Because I'm just a dirty little secret

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