Your Are Cordially Invited To Our Fakeness!

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Forever and never are fake, and yet I still smiled and swore forever love and vowed never to betray that love.
Weddings are a scam!
We incur debt through them and promise things we can't keep.
At least honeymoon sheds some truth.
It's sweet like honey and far away from the comparison with marriage as the moon is from earth.

Our honey ran out and well honey, wasn't honey any more!
He was a thorn in my flesh!
Our vows were as endless as his ring, I held him up on them.
But his mind played forget every time he took it off and started dipping foreign cum
He would still come home to me, sleep in my bed and yet couldn't gave her up.
I couldn't understand it!
IF mothers can give their kids up, why couldn't he give up a hoe!
"for his forever"?
He called it love and begged for forgiveness
This monogamy marriage thing, is like applying for a chronic disease, you sign up to be killed inside.
And still expected to hold it together, because you are a wife!

And never
Are fake!

I got the idea of forever being fake from my friend @pop_smash which lead to this poem. Shout out to him😘

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