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Sometimes I think your anger rises from the fact that none of us can really call you home
You are the dream we left our bantu homelands for, only you not even half as dreamy as home
Is it the way we display your dirty laundry about how you could never fill us, the filth in your streets?

But den I think anger is in your architect
The masters dug you inside out maybe that's why you are so angry at us
We undug you and with your everything in our palms you still couldn't fill us
Is this what it's about desired affection?

At times I think about intercultural communication
Do we not speak your language?
Your children don't understand each other, is this why we attack each other?
Is diversity the issue?
A girl being courted is her being sexually harassed
Forever love is diabolical, she winds up in a ditch her last thoughts is the anger residing in your son's eyes

They take her gems the way they took yours?
Is this what it is? Did you curse your acres?
Is she bound to endure your pain?
Sometimes I feel like you live through her
She shares your anger
Her ore is barren
It's a new age gold rush only she's not you
She bleeds and nobody cares
You were cherished, worshipped
The longer I take refuge in you, the more tears I shed and the more I become you

Your love is vile
Your air is dunk
But we love you still cause you are the cradle of humankind
So perhaps if we cling long even our humanity will return
Do you wish we were little foot?
Does Mrs Ples still canvas your heart?
Are homo sapiens not good enough for you?
Was Taung child gentler with you?
Did his afrobeat soothe you?
Did he sing you hymns and not the bullet arias we chant?
You have broken my sexuality and wrecked my emotions
You made spirituality a myth
But please don't break my soul

I'm sorry I cry like you
I'm sorry Bokone Bophirima comes first
It's your hair I kiss every morning
Your morning breath that repulse me
I see it in your face, there's a part of you that's been gone for so long and I know we can't undug you
So I'm sorry

You hold me close
I see it in the strange men that think they are entitled to grope me
I hold you too that's why I still chase your Rands even when you break me
You hurt me like they hurt you
Just don't break my soul

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